Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The perfect beginning to a new story:

"The smell of excrement could only make it better."

Would anyone like to contribute ideas as to what the subject of this smell is going to be?  You tell me and I'll make a list.

This would actually be a very good way to teach writing to a class of children, with a different sentence, depending on their age. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tomorrow starts a new chapter in my life.  I am excited and nervous about it at the same time.  I have not left my old job completely, but I have left a major part of it.  I am no longer teaching nursery classes or gymnastics classes.  The gymnastics is hard to give up, I really do love it.  Fortunately, there are only a couple of kids that I will really miss.  If I had left last year, it would have been more.  What I will miss dearly, is the interaction between myself and my coworkers.  I'm not going to be seeing all of them on my Sunday's there.  Yes, I will probably see them at some point or another in my private life.  Ok.  It's not the same though.

I've been there almost my entire life, twenty one years.  It will be hard not going there every other day, possibly not even once a week.  It's like losing a second home, or in my case a third.  I will still be there sometimes, but like I said, it's not the same.

However, I am still excited about my position.  I get to dress up, rather than down every day.  I may or may not wear make-up.  I am happy that my life is moving forward rather than staying stagnant.  I am excited.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear Bloggers,

I have no desire to write a long and involved blog entry right now, I just wanted to mention that I got a job!  I am very happy and excited about this opportunity.  A new chapter in my life has begun and I am ready for it.

On a completely different note, my registry cards came in the mail today.  I'm still not sure what to do with them really.  I can't put them in the invitations, that's just obnoxious, I don't know how else to get them out there to people.  They aren't really necessary, they don't have any other information on them other than, "Hey, Rich and I are registered at Bed Bath & Beyond!"  I just need to find a way to get that information out there.... How can I do that, I wonder.....

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Ever just have one of those days?  I went out to have dinner with one of my friends and in the course of the evening, we ran into not one, but two of my father's students.  It was fun.  Musicians are some weird people.... but I knew that already.  That's why I like them.

As for the rest of my day, it was rather boring.  I have hope of a job looming on the horizon.  We'll see how it goes.  I hope I get an interview, I would love a chance to prove myself.  I really need to move on, however much I generally like my job.

I think tomorrow I am going to try and be creative.  I want to continue writing my detective cat story.  I need to finish it.  I need to find a middle for my story.  Ok.  That's my plan.

Monday, May 02, 2011

To Whom it May Concern:

I am a recent college graduate who did not have the opportunity to take an internship while in school.  I have had to work to support myself for as long as I've been able.  I am a hard worker, dedicated to whatever task is set before me.  I have had the good luck of being able to work my way up the chain at my current job.  I started working as a volunteer when I was thirteen in the arts and sports camp.  I interacted with children and helped the teachers as best I could.  At the end of the summer, when I was offered tips by the parents, I turned them down saying that getting to know their children was all that I needed.  I was young and naive.  Now I know that working in the summer is all about the tips.

I remember that there was a four year old named Cole in the camp.  It was the year that "The Sixth Sense" came out, so even though Haley Joel Osment and this kid looked nothing alike I was reminded of the movie on a daily basis whenever I came to work.  Cole's best friend was named Carly and she was heading into kindergarten at the end of the summer, into a world I knew all too well, SSSQ.  I felt kind of sorry for her actually.  Those two kids are sixteen years old now.  Wow.

When I was sixteen I started working during the year.  I assisted in teaching gymnastics classes.  When I was younger, from the ages of five to ten, I took gymnastics, at the same place that I am now working in.  I was teaching with different head teachers, one of whom was the gymnastics teacher that had taught me.  As time went on, I also started assisting in Nursery classes and birthday parties and working at the front desk.  I always worked hard, and I never turned down a tip again, whether it was monetary or in the form of advice.

Now I am the head counselor in the arts and sports camp.  I have about ten people working under me on average during the summers.  I help plan the program, modernizing it.  During the year I am a head teacher for both nursery and my own gymnastics classes.  I have written press releases for new and upcoming programs.  I do paperwork and work at the front desk whenever asked.  I even wrote a licensing agreement last year.  I explain programs to people on the phone, I take payments on credit cards and checks, I write receipts and write up excel spreadsheets for my boss.  I have also been asked to photograph different things.  Over the years I have also worked as a swim teacher and a body shop attendant (otherwise known as the workout room or gym).

I have progressed in my career at this place and I think that my opportunities for growth have been capped out.  I am currently seeking a new job, putting my writing skills, my photography skills, and my people skills to good use.  I am looking to be an administrative assistant, or an editorial assistant, or anything else that may come along.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Mira Nitzberg