Apparently, I've been away from my blog for so long, that blogger has completely changed the format on me. I guess that makes sense, I mean the old format didn't always work especially well.
I'm still looking for a job. While I would find it interesting to work in the publishing field, it seems less and less likely that this is going to happen. I stayed at my old job for the summer. It was basically full time work for two months, which in this economy is definitely better than nothing. I forgot how much I actually like working with kids, the more interesting kids anyway. Of course I had my favorites, we all do, and we almost never agree on which kids are the favorites, so it usually works out that each group of kids is favorited by a counselor or two, nobody left out.
Like I mentioned in my last entry, it was easy to slip back into my old position. Is that really so bad? If that particular job and hours were not just seasonal, I would have no problem doing it. Of course, that's not the case.
I'm looking forward getting a full time job, whatever it is. Being home all day, even if I'm not, is boring. I have all this pent up energy and nowhere to expel it. I did work today. From 9:30 to 11:00, and then I was asked to babysit for an hour. All in all, I left work at about 1pm. I was home by 2pm. What did I do at home? I looked for jobs. I applied to a few. I made dinner (so we ate early), and then...
Rich got home shortly after 5pm, and we ate before 6pm. We went for a brief walk after dinner and I've just been sitting here with my pent up energy looking for an outlet. I haven't done much writing lately, and I haven't drawn anything lately (that's actually been a few years), I haven't really done any photography lately either. Does all that mean I found something to do? Other than writing in my blog, I don't plan on writing anything else today. I can't seem to find my drawing pad (which is fine with my at the moment), and there really isn't good enough lighting in here at night to start photographing things. Oh well, I'll figure something out.
Anyone read any good books lately?