I saw a praying mantis today. I haven't seen one since I was in kindergarten. It managed to crawl from the window of my car to the roof of my car while I was driving. I thought it would fly away or get blown away while I was driving, but no. I stood there staring at this creature for a minute, probably in the same way I know I did when I was five. These are majestic looking creatures that can easily be mistaken for a leaf. You've got to love the camouflage. I'm not the biggest nature person, and I most certainly am not a bug person, but this insect looked... serene and peaceful. That's not a feeling I associate with insects very often, and frankly if it had been on the inside of my car I would most likely have felt quite differently towards it, maybe even homicidal. However, it was of the roof and I was just standing there watching it. I wonder what it would feel like to be an insect, so small that almost anything can crush you. Imagine the inferiority complex that would come with.. I don't know, being a lady bug. Not only are you really small, but you have a silly name. What if you're a male lady bug and still called a lady, what would that do to your self esteem?
I'm being silly, I know. This bug just made me think about life and how delicate it is and how fragile the balance. He stood on my car and hung on, made it work for him. That's a pretty good analogy for life actually. Hang on and make it work. What else can you do besides give up?