This has also been the year when friends drifted away. They're still there, but everyone is off doing their own thing, mostly with their significant others. It happens. Your good friends will always be there for you if you need them, but their importance in your life changes. Notice that I didn't say the need for friendship diminishes, but it changes. As you get older you realize that while once seeing your friends everyday was the most important thing in your life, now you know they are there for you without having to see or speak to them everyday. People are busy working, and supporting themselves. We aren't kids anymore. We can't spend the days walking around the city, or going to Starbucks, at least not for hours on end.
I like how the stages of life go. As kids, our parents arrange play dates for us, force friendship upon us whether we like it or not. As tweens and teens we are obsessed with our friends, seeing them in school, after school, on the weekends, basically as much as we can. As young adults our friends are our support system. We're dating in a more serious way, looking for that "special someone." Our friends are there through all the up and downs, the heartbreak and the drama that goes along with it. When the storm clears, and you're still standing, thank your friends for putting up with you. As slightly more mature adults we get into our niche. We find the career path we want, we find the person we wan to be with, we find our responsibility. Our circle of friends changes. While our high school and college friends are still there, we meet new people at work. We have work friends, and co-workers. Amazingly, more often than not, they become our core people. You might have had more serious discussions with your old friends, might have had more bonding time, gone through more pain and sacrifice with them, but your new friends understand what you do for nine hours a day. They understand what you're talking about when you complain about work or your boss. You have more to share with them. As you get older and closer to retirement (yes, I know I skipped mid life), your friends become more important in your life again. Your days are no longer filled with work, instead you go back to leaning on your friends, seeing them as much as you can, hanging out for hours at a time, going to the city. They're there for you as you get older, as your circle becomes smaller, maybe when you lose that person that's become your partner.
I guess my point is that we need to keep our friends close. The cycle of life happens and their role in your life changes as time goes on, but you will always need them to be there for you.
Anyway, I'm done with my tangent. I look forward to seeing what this year brings. Hopefully, it brings good things. Happy New Year!