OK, so today I was left alone in a lunchroom in charge of just about 50 kids. 50 kids! There are supposed to be other councilors in there with me, but about half way through lunch (15 minutes worth of time by the way), they left. They just left me there! Now, it wouldn't be so bad if all I had to do was watch them, but I have to help them do different things, i.e. open containers, clean up, and take the younger ones to the bathroom. Also, after lunch time is over I have to bring them to different classrooms, on different floors. I stay with one group of them and the other group goes elsewhere to do different things. Fine. Usually this arrangement works out fine. Just f-fine. Today, as I said 1/2 way through lunch the other councilors abandoned me. What makes it worse is that we weren't even in the same building as the kids classes today. We were next door! How am I supposed to bring two groups to two different places at the same time? Can somebody please tell me? Truly, I'm confused.
Did I mention that every room in this building where I work is connected by telephone, except the seperate building where I was? I finally got all the kids to line up in their proper groups. I could not get them to stop talking. Seriously, they wouldn't shut-up. After threatening to talk to all of their mother's and yelling myself horse over all of them, they quieted down. That's when I realized that I was alone. I had them all ready to go, and nobody was there to take them! I took out my cell phone and called my boss. She was away from her desk. About ten minutes later I finally got her on the phone and she sent somebody down to help me with the kids. I was sooooooooooo angry! How dare they do that to me! I was almost yelling at my boss from sheer annoyance. Anyway, I had a really BAD day. I realized that I can not depend on anyone at work. I mean I already knew that, but today really drove home the point. I know that you can't depend on people in general, but you should at least be able to depend on them to do their own jobs at least. So that was my day. How was yours?
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