Ok, I'm not Irish, nor do I have any Irish pride. However, might as well wish you all a happy day.
Anyway... Speaking of St. Patty's Day I don't know what was going on near near my school today, I have no idea. I was walking back to the subway after class and all these firefighters and bunches of people wearing green, were just crowding everywhere, not moving, it was really hard to walk through them. Not mention, half of them were, shall we say, inebriated. So as I was wading through the people, I kept being stared at by drunken passerbys, lovely. My teacher let us out early today, she said avoid the drunk, and she added as an after thought, avoid gangs also, lol. I'm sitting there thinking, 'umm.... duhh!'
Anyway, today I had my urban sociology midterm. I have never written an entire blue book full of complete crap before, I bull shit through the whole thing, which by the way, everybody else did too. I started talking about the pigs in Manhattan in the early Industrial period, not sure what made me do that, it had very little to do with my point. Actually, I'm not sure I had a point, lol. Oh boy. Can't wait to see if I get a C or lower. I guess I'll find out soon. Yippee!!!
I have nothing further to render, and I say anyway too much. So, I'm going to sign off. Going to dinner soon with my mom and stepdad, wonder where we're going to go...
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