Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Well, I got my sociology midterm back today. I did better than I thought I would, which means I passed, yay! I had an in class essay today in English, I think I eeked out a decent essay. I'll find out. It doesn't really matter considering it's the first draft in a two part essay, I get to tweak it after I get it back.

That's pretty much all I did today.

My cat woke me up this morning around 8:00am. How? By spilling a glass of water on me. Cold water. I was really angry. Do I really need to wake up like that? Water all over the bed, all over me. Picture it, lovely. Oy.

Meanwhile, somebody really had a, shall we say, odor, on the subway. I mean, it was bad. This person made me want to wretch. I have nothing else to say about that, or anything for that matter.

Dos Vidanya!

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