Sunday, April 30, 2006

First, I must start out by mentioning that my birthday, counting from tomorrow, is in 18 days! Woohoo, I'll be legal! Yay! I can get rip roaring drunk, yahoo! Well, I mean I can do that LEGALLY now, lol. Actually, I have no particular interest in getting drunk. I only care that I can now order some wine or something like that in a restaurant, besides that, I care very little.

Anyway, let me tell you about my weekend. I'll start with today, Sunday. I was woken up this morning by my friend this morning at about 7:45am. My boyfriend stayed the night, so I guess he was woken up also. Maybe we were both already somewhat awake, I don't know, I'm too tired to remember. Either way, she had been out all night and decided to come by my house. So she got to my house around 8:10am, and told me all about her night. All of us had gone to sleep sooo late, which would probably explain why I'm so tired right now. Hmm....

So, Saturday started out with my boyfriend coming to pick me up around 1:30, my stepfather kept us from leaving for about a half hour, maybe 45 minutes, by telling us stories. We had plans to go to an ice skating rink, but it closed to the public at 3:45, so we had to get there, ya know, before it closed. Also, we had to find the damn place first. I knew where it was in general, he knew the area, between the two of us, we still got lost for a little bit. Not "oh my god I don't know where I am," lost, but a tad turned around. Finally we made it there, with just about a half hour to skate. I figured that was plenty of time, so we paid and went in. There are many battles when it comes to ice skating. The first battle is being able to stand up, the second is walking. It's difficult because if you don't hold your legs stiffly, but loosely at the same time, your ankles keep turning in, which is not only aggravating, but it also hurts. Anyway, I ended up going around the rink a few times, then we left. We went to go eat at Ben's Deli in Carl Place. After eating at the "kosher" deli, we took a tour of the history section of Barnes & Noble, then went and foraged around Roosevelt Fields for a while.

My boyfriend is the best. He wandered in and out of stores, girly stores, with me. Not just one or two girly stores, but I a lot of them. I didn't actually buy anything, but he was sweet to wander around with me. I also got to show him my all time favorite couch. It's called Lancaster, they sell it at Restoration Hardware. It is the most comfortable couch ever. It's also just good looking, ya know, for a couch. We also went into a sports store and a video game store for him. I think most of the activities we did yesterday, I planned. Actually, except for Ben's and Barnes & Noble, I planned everything. Even the things that I didn't plan exactly, I decided to do. So, as I said, my boyfriend is the best. Next week he gets to plan stuff, lol.

After the mall, we went to eat at Tofu, a Japanese/Chinese restaurant in Bay Terrace. I haven't been there in a really long time, and I was craving their diced chicken with peanuts, lol. Unfortunately, it wasn't as good as I remembered it, but still good. Then we went to go see American Deamz. The best thing about this movie was Dennis Quaid's impersonation of President Bush, and Willem Dafoe's impersonation of Cheney. Seriously, even if you don't want to see the movie, see it for that. When we were still in Tofu, my boyfriend decided he was much too tired to drive back home after bringing me home after the movie. So he just stayed over. He really was very tired. Poor baby : (

After we got back to my house, the calls increased. What calls you ask? My friend had been calling me all day, asking if she could stay at my house for the night. Well, I was discouraging her, but I told her she could if she had too. Well she didn't end up staying, as I said right at the beginning of this blog entry, she came over at about 8:10am. So, I come full circle, and end my blog.... Almost.

My boyfriend, the bestest ever, drove me to work, and my friend home, happens to be the same stop, however, it was still really sweet of him. I was at work, I did a birthday party, I took the bus to my dad's house, my mom picked me up, we went to visit my grandparents, we came home, ate dinner, and now I'm sitting here doing this. Wow, most complete blog entry ever. Whew.... that was tiring. Lol.

So, how was your weekend?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Well, it's Wednesday. That translates into me having no school today. I wish I had work. I used to work on Wednesdays. However, a little bitch took over my classes. She's a horrible teacher who can barely get enough English words out of her mouth to communicate with the three year olds in the class. Oh, was that a little mean? Funny, I thought I got over that, hmm...

Anyway... Lol. I guess my point is that I'm bored. The construction workers in my house keep coming down into my room. I don't know what they were doing today, but they came down here like 5 or 6 times, all before 9:30am. They didn't turn the lights back off when they left, they didn't close the doors that they opened. So every time they lefty I would jump out of bed and turn lights off and close doors. It was a fun little game. I felt like a dog playing fetch or something, great feeling, really. Meanwhile, I know they are smoking upstairs, I can smell it. I'm not a big fan of second hand smoke. They can smoke if they want to, but I don't need that shit in my lungs : P Anyway, when I get hungry enough to leave my house, I'll walk over to my dad's house. He should be home by 3:30 anyway.

I say anyway too much. I say annoying too much also. Although I haven't been saying annoying as much as I used to, how annoying is that? Lol. I'll keep you updated on my day as it progresses, because I know you are just dying to know, lol. Ttyl!

Leave me comments people!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Well, so school has resumed. Boy oh boy am I glad it did. Really, I was getting bored sleeping late and hanging out with my friends and boyfriend. REALLY.

So, yesterday was a damn long day. It started at 6:30am, and ended around 6:30pm. I'm sure some people had longer days than I, however, it felt long. I got maybe two hours of sleep the previous night. What can I say, I'm an insomniac, I can't sleep. It doesn't usually bother me. Actually, when I have to wake up early more than twice a week, my body acclimates to the change. However, when it's right after vacation and I only have to wake up early twice a week anyway... You get the idea. So yesterday morning I reintroduced myself to Anthropology and the Psychology of Women. Oh my god, did I miss them! To tell the truth I kind of like Anthropology. I just wish it weren't at 8:00am. As for my psychology class... Ok, here's the thing. I like psychology, I'm thinking about becoming a psychologist. This class, the dumbest thing ever. It's all full of feminine crap. I'm not a feminist. I'm all for equality, suffrage and all that, but do I really need to hear that subconsciously the media is being anti woman because when they show adds for cleaning products, women are usually the ones using them? I don't think so.

Today was aggravating. I was supposed to have Urban Sociology and English Literature. So I went to sociology, no problem (accept maybe staying awake). English was cancelled. I carried around the heaviest textbook on earth, for a class that was later cancelled. Grrrr..... I was supposed to make up a test today, I guess I'll be doing it Friday, hmmm.....

Anyway, that was my day. So tell me, how was yours?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Well, today was a boring, but good day. For me not for everyone. For instance, the wheels on my mom's car were stolen last night. So she's not having such a great day. We live in a good neighborhood. The only problem with it, is that it has a somewhat high car theft rate. Maybe not high exactly, but it's really the only crime that goes on around here. My mother scared me actually. She does this whole what if thing. I was home with my boyfriend last night, he left pretty late. It was dark so even if the theft had happened neither he nor I would have noticed. So she was saying, what if the two of you walked out of the house and found them stealing my tires? What if they had guns? What if, what if what if. Chances are, if we saw people messing with my mom's car, which was right in front of the house, we would have just gone back into the house and called the cops. That's all that would have happened. Her what if crap makes me nervous. She's always done stuff like this. I'm used to it, but she can still be unnerving.

Anyway... Last night my boyfriend came to pick me up. It was really crappy weather for all you people who either didn't notice or who live elsewhere, where the weather was nice. It was pouring, and slightly chilly. So, he picked me up and we went to a near by restaurant, London Lenny's. It's a seafood restaurant, it's nice. Lol. The problem with this restaurant, is that parking in that area kinda sucks. So we drove around looking for parking for a while. However, we didn't end up too far away, so all was good. We only had to wait for a table for about fifteen minutes, and for that place that's also pretty good. We had a nice fishy meal. After eating we decided to go bowling. Why? Why not? So we went over to Flushing, it's the nearest bowling alley. I haven't been bowling since I was maybe eleven or twelve. So, I pretty much sucked, but that's ok, we weren't competing, although if we were, he would have won, lol. There were some interesting people there. When we first got there, in the lane next to us, was a few young guys and a girl or two, by young I mean somewhere around my age. They were probably college students. Anyway, one of them was completely insane, in a good way. He kept yelling at his ball, and the people with him, in a good natured way. Later, we were still there, and those guys left and some orthodox Jews came in. They were in the next lane to us. I mean we were sharing a ball return thingamajig. There were four or five of them. I don't remember exactly. They were highly interesting. They were innocent, in an orthodox kind of way. According to my boyfriend one of them kept checking me out. I kept saying, that's impossible, they're orthodox, they don't look at girls. Of course I was laughing as I said this, but, yeah. They kept taking our balls! It was kind of annoying. We didn't really want to share our balls with them, but somehow our balls kept intermingling!

I hope you all got a good laugh out of that, lol. After the bowling we went to a nice little cafe. I got a milkshake, my boyfriend got a iced coffee beverage, I believe. Then we came back to my house and just relaxed. It was a nice evening. I'm sorry it ended. Next weekend we plan to go ice skating. I'll keep you updated. Lol.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Well today is Saturday April 22nd. I officially have to go back to school on the 24th, my vacation is almost at an end, boo hoo : - (

So, since last I wrote, I hung out with my friend a lot. We really haven't been seeing each other all that much lately, so since we were both free we hung out. We had a jewnic in the park (term coined by my friends friend, lol). What is a jewnic you ask? Well let me tell you, it involved fruit, candy, and oh yes the ever important matzah. It was good. We also wandered around the park a bit. We saw people rowing boats, so we were making fun of how they were doing it, however, we wanted to be doing it too, lol. Then we saw a gondola in the lake. The guy rowing was dressed in authentic gear, i.e. black and white striped shirt and straw hat with red ribbon. He was also decked out with his cell phone. He was singing to the couple in the boat and all of a sudden he stopped to answer his phone, lol. It was especially funny because a few Italian tourists walked by and saw this gondola. I think they said something to the effect of, 'only in New York.' That was hilarious.

The next day it was almost 80 degrees in New York. So my friend and I had lunch and then walked around our area. We explored some places she had never walked through, so it was fun, if a little too hot for us. After our little jaunt she went to go take the required 5 hour driving class people need to take in NY to get their license. I think she thought it was GREAT FUN! While she was doing that, my boyfriend came over. We hung out for a while, then went to dinner and a movie. For dinner we went to the California Pizza Kitchen, we had to break Passover, since it was officially over. Then we saw Thank You For Smoking. I highly recommend it, it was really very good. Witty, and a good view of what our society has turned into.

Yesterday, I took my friend to the city. We ate at the Shake Shack. One friend of mine says he walked by and it smelled. I don't know where he was smelling, but to each's own. Anyway, most people really like this place. I had to wait on a line for just about 50 minutes to get a couple of burgers and shakes. I get incredibly impatient on lines, I don't like them and tend to refuse to stand on them, however, my friend was holding our table, so I went on the line. The only reason I made it through the experience alive was because I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone the majority of the time. So.... Thank You Sweety!!! Mwahh. Oh yeas, after eating we went to Chinatown so my friend could get on the bus to Philadelphia. I don't like crowds of people, therefore I don't like Chinatown. End of story.

Today, I plan to take a shower (now that the boiler has been fixed), walk to my dad's house, then go out later with my boyfriend. I think we're going to go bowling, lol. Wow I haven't done that in a while. We'll see how badly I suck, lol. Ciao!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ok, so first of all Happy Belated Passover!!! Yippee!!! Matzah, oh the joys, lol.

Now that that's over with we can get down to the real stuff. So, Sunday I worked all afternoon. It was sooo boring there. Since it was Easter there was almost nobody there. Anyway, so my friend came to hang out with me for a little while, then my boyfriend came to pick me up. I went to his house for dinner, and I slept over at his house. The next day I was going to teach him how to ice skate, however, the local rink was closed for the season. So we ended up taking a walk on the boardwalk of Jones Beach. That was nice. I haven't been there in a really long time, and I've never been there with a boyfriend, so, more niceness, lol. After the whole boardwalk thing, we went back to my area and we got some drinks (calm down, of the caffinated variety, geeze what were you thinking?). After that he took me home. It was really a very nice couple of days. Oh yeah, we saw Benchwarmers. It was really not so great. It had some moments in it that were laugh worthy, but not more than that. Maybe my boyfriend can give a review of his own, because I think he liked it more than me, so he can comment with a review, lol.

Today I went to the gym with my friend. Suffisive to say, I can't move all that well right now, lol. After the gym we walked back to her house, we chatted, her mom made dinner (matzah brye, it's pesach duhhh!!!!) Then we met another friend downstairs and I bussed it home. So that was my day. I'm tired and I ache, I'm going to go.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Don't ask me what that last blog entry was about, I have no clue, weird mood I guess. No, there was never any dinosaur or large lizard in my English class or walking down the street in the City (just in case you thought there was).

Anyway... I feel like crap. It's prone to happen sometimes, ya know? My stomach hurts, and I managed to do something wonky to my left leg. So, I'm kinda limping and hunched over, an attractive picture, I know, lol.

My boyfriend came to work with me today, he watched me teach and act like a teacher while he graded papers. It was sweet. I caught him looking at me a couple of times, just gives me a warm feeling. I don't think I was a very good teacher today, I was in too shitty a mood, didn't feel well enough. Not to mention, there were new people in class. They shouldn't be allowed to join an advanced gymnastics, or a pre-advanced class when they cannot even do, or attempt to do a forward role. They should be in a different class. This is just something my boss does. She allows people to join classes inappropriate for them, because they are paying customers. I have always disliked those politics. It just aggravates me. There is also the small matter of not being able to spot people of certain widths. I don't want to be nasty or anything, but there's a real safety issue.

Anyway... this morning I was woken up by my best friend. We went to eat in a little bakery near me, then I walked her to the doctor and proceeded to head to work, to which I was late by the way, because of the damn bus, I waited for it for almost 40 minutes, how insane is that? Whatever. She invited me to go to Canada with her in June. I don't think she actually wants me to go, she was inviting me, while discouraging me at the same time. I wouldn't normally go with such an odd invitation, however, maybe it'll be fun? I don't know. I never go anywhere, Canada might be a good place to start, lol. Although, I would rather go with people who want me there... Oysh. Oh well.

This is disorganized, I know. Stream of consciousness, remember that, lol.

Friday, April 07, 2006

So today I was walking to school, I saw this dinosaur walking down the street. At least I thought it was a dinosaur, could've been just a really big lizard. Anyway, I was walking down the block, the lizard thing looked mildly confused. After walking a block with this creature, it turns to me and says, do you know where Horace College is? I say in a stunned but yet sultry voice, "sure I know where it is, I'm heading over there now." The lizard turns to me and says, "My name is Herbert, you can call me H-Bert, it's my nick name, or just H." I think I'm dreaming at this point, but I say, "Hi Herbert, nice to meet you, I'm Mira." Together we walk the next few blocks to Horace. H turns to me and says, thanks for walking me here Mira, now I wonder if you can tell me where English 254 is?" I say, "This is crazy, I'm in that class. They let you join this late?" H said, "Yeah, I'm a friend of the teachers, she let me join."

Yeah, I have no idea where that came from. It was a weird day in English class alright though. Dinosaurs, teachers being friends with them, how odd, unless of course you think it's a normal occurrence?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

So today was a quiet day. I woke up, I went to school, I went home, I went to meet my boyfriend. While I was waiting for him I got a call from my best friend. She said she was deathly ill and she could barely walk, and could she come to lunch with us, please, before she had to go to work? I asked my boyfriend, and because he's a sweetheart he said it was ok. So we all went for a little walk to Subway. My friend was the only one who ate anything. I didn't have time and my bf doesn't really eat lunch. After that, we all walked my friend to the bus. We couldn't wait with her because I had to get to work. So we left her at the bus stop and walked the next block to work. I invited him to stay and hang out, but he had to get home and do some work. So he came in with me, and of course I saw like 5 of my students, lol. I also ran into a work friend who I didn't know was going to be there, but she will be every Thursday, totally cool man, lol. So my bf and I said good bye before I went down to the gym. He's so sweet.

So then was work. About 13 screaming 3 and 4 years olds, yippee! It was great, truly. At least my work friend was there, she helped me yell, was good. The head teacher broke his finger a few weeks ago, and it still hasn't healed. So every once in a while, when he bends his hand the wrong way... Well you can imagine the look of utter agony. Poor guy, he should really go to the doctor. I hate doctors, and in general I think they are full of it, but for things like broken bones, ya need a doctor. Oysh. Besides all that, work was pretty much ok, just tiring. No especially strenuous activity, just in general, looong. Ya know what I mean.

After work my dad and his girlfriend picked me up. We went to a local restaurant, I got pizza, the brick oven kind, ooooo, lol. It was good. Then we all shared a piece of chocolate cake. That was also good, but too much food, BLEH... Lol. That was pretty much my whole day. Now I'm just lying here watching TV, and all is good with the world. : )

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today I was woken up by the carpet guy. Let me explain what this means. Around 9:00am, a rather large gentleman yells down my stairs, "Carpet man!" Then he proceeds to come down my steps measuring as he goes. Now my staircase is rather, shall we say, precarious? It's narrow, and the steps are also rather narrow, and as I mentioned before this man was not rather narrow. Every time this guy bent down I thought he was either going to have a heart attack or tumble down the steps. Meanwhile, I was still lying in bed cornered in my pajamas. I couldn't get out of bed for fear of the large carpet man, SEEING me. I mean I wasn't naked or anything, but I was in my pjs for god's sake! If my mother had told me this man was coming, I would not only have been out of bed, but in clothes as well. After this guy got out of my room, he went upstairs to measure the living room and the stairs up there. I got somewhat dressed and followed him around, like a good little suspicious person, lol. It just really bothered me that I wasn't told he was coming. Grr....

As for the rest of the day it was pretty uneventful. I watched TV, I read a bit. Later my dad picked me up and together we went into the city to pick up his girlfriend. She had gotten them sushi for dinner. I don't eat sushi, so I got to eat leftover chicken. Was fun. After "dinner" we all went to go get ice cream. Good ice cream. Unfortunately, now I'm hungry again... Oh well. Did I mention that my oven no longer works, isn't that wonderful. The construction workers did something to it, I don't know what, but apparently we're going to be eating out a lot for a while.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So, my day today was a day, if you know what I mean. Nothing special, nothing bad. Actually, I did buy a rock'n pair of boots, somewhat in the cowboy fashion, lol. I went to school, I went to buy boots, I went to my dad's house, I ate, I came home, and I got yelled at by my neighbor. Actually, I guess there's a story there. My neighbor is a total bitch. My father brings me home, and I get yelled at by this woman. She says, "Your construction workers keep my son up in the morning, he doesn't get home until 4am!" First off, is it my fault that her son has absurd hours, or that he is an adult, somewhat elderly an adult, living with his mommy. Second, what would she like me to do about it? They are doing construction, they are being as quiet as they can. I mean seriously, if I'm in the house while they are working, and I can sleep, then my neighbor should have no problem sleeping through the alleged noise either.

Anyway... I saw my boyfriend twice last week, on Friday evening, and on Sunday after work (I worked from 1-7 last Sunday at the desk, people yelling all over the damn place, oy). On both nights we went to dinner, different places of course, but yeah. On Friday evening we went to an Asian restaurant, one of those buffet style restaurants. The waiter was so fucking rude. He actually came over to our table and asked me if I wanted the kiddie chopsticks. Apparently, it looked like I was having issues with my adult sticks. I told him I was fine, and glared at him. I told my boyfriend later (right after the waiter departed from our table), that I wanted to shove the chopsticks up this guys ass. So, yeah. Later we went back to my house and watched Mystic River, or I watched it anyway. On Sunday, we went to an Italian restaurant. Then came back to my house for a bit. I can't wait to see him this week. Alas, it won't be until Saturday, evening. Sigh.

I can't wait until this summer. I think we're going to go away together, it'll be fun.