Well, it's Wednesday. That translates into me having no school today. I wish I had work. I used to work on Wednesdays. However, a little bitch took over my classes. She's a horrible teacher who can barely get enough English words out of her mouth to communicate with the three year olds in the class. Oh, was that a little mean? Funny, I thought I got over that, hmm...
Anyway... Lol. I guess my point is that I'm bored. The construction workers in my house keep coming down into my room. I don't know what they were doing today, but they came down here like 5 or 6 times, all before 9:30am. They didn't turn the lights back off when they left, they didn't close the doors that they opened. So every time they lefty I would jump out of bed and turn lights off and close doors. It was a fun little game. I felt like a dog playing fetch or something, great feeling, really. Meanwhile, I know they are smoking upstairs, I can smell it. I'm not a big fan of second hand smoke. They can smoke if they want to, but I don't need that shit in my lungs : P Anyway, when I get hungry enough to leave my house, I'll walk over to my dad's house. He should be home by 3:30 anyway.
I say anyway too much. I say annoying too much also. Although I haven't been saying annoying as much as I used to, how annoying is that? Lol. I'll keep you updated on my day as it progresses, because I know you are just dying to know, lol. Ttyl!
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