OK, I had a very uninteresting day. Well, it's Monday, what do you expect. The hi-light of my day was meeting my boyfriend for lunch, that was the fun in my day. I miss him.
So, the excitement which drove me to write a blog entry now was a not so little dead bee, possibly wasp. I just got home, it's about 11:30pm. I go to put my bag down on my desk chair, and what do I see there? A dead yellow and black striped thing. It was curled up and its wings were sticking straight out. Before touching it I had to make sure it was dead and not resting between flights. How did I check? You think I touched it? What're you nuts? Well, I hate to admit this, but I sprayed it from across the room with a spray bottle. So, after it not moving while being sprayed, I got a paper towel and picked it up very carefully. I carried it over to the toilet and tried to dislodge it from the towel. Why? Because you're not supposed to throw paper towels down the drain. The damn bug wouldn't come off! I thought it was either stuck on by its stinger, or it was alive and hold ing on for dear life. So, I threw the towel in the toilet. Did I just flush it? No. You're not supposed to flush paper towels down the drain. So after making sure it was dead by drowning. I, umm.... Well, I stuck my hand in the toilet and tried to pull the paper away from the bug. This didn't work. The damn bug wouldn't come off the paper. So I ended up flushing the whole thing. I hope I don't have lingering plumbing problems now... I also hope there isn't a nest somewhere in the house. I hope I'm not going to wake up with a bunch of bees in my mouth. I kind of want one of those mosquito nets surrounding my bed now. Oy. Ever see "Silence of the Lambs"? Well, I hope I don't wake up with a bug in my mouth.
I got nothing else to say right now.
P.S. my personal info. is not IN, not IN, my blog itself.
Veeeery confusing "P.S's" ...
Ok Vinny, look on the right side of my page. Maybe this is a better hint. Btw, I don't have yahoo messenger. I've got AIM and MSN.
Yeah .. saw that .. but i dont have AIM .. and dont support msn .. dont like it anyway .. so i guess it's just your blog then ... Anyway ,exams coming up , so catch you later !
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