Friday, June 16, 2006

Well, today I woke up around 6:50am to find that I had fallen asleep with the tv on, the lights on, and my glasses on. So, I walked around turning lights off, took my glasses off, turned the tv off, and laid back down, but I couldn't really fall back to sleep. The thing with me is, once I'm up, I'm basically up. So, I just laid around for a while. I guess I did sort of fall back asleep, because the next thing I knew it was about 10:30am and my boyfriend was calling me from work. He was just telling me about his morning.

Later on, I started to do some things with some boxes, moving them around and what not. I took a shower, got dressed, ya know, the mundane things to do. After all that crap, my boyfriend came over. We hung out and talked, it was fun. Then we went for a little walk. He got me an ice cream soda, which was really sweet. He got himself a soda for the drive home. After that we walked back to my house and saw my mother driving up the street.

So, my boyfriend left. That was sad. I miss him when I'm not with him. Corny, huh? Anyway, my mom made dinner (salmon and rice), and then afterwards I was kind of hyper, so I decided to clean my room. I collapsed a couple of boxes, cut myself in the process, mopped the floor, vacuumed did some laundry, and I meant to organize my shoes, but I'll do it tomorrow.

So that was my day. Tomorrow, I'm going to continue on my room a bit, but I'm going to go to Macy's. I need to get a few things. Later, I'm going to see my boyfriend. I'm not exactly sure what we're going to do yet, but I'll let you know after the fact, lol. So somebody tell me something. Geeze, I need a comment. I know there's somebody out there reading this somewhere, so say something ou'yay eople'pay! Lol. Talk to ya'll later!


Anonymous said...

You really do love your boyfriend, don't you ?

That's nice .. :)

Anonymous said...

Your Frequency of posts have considerably reduced !!! :(