How was your Tuesday everybody? Mine really sucked. I fought with my boyfriend, and basically sat around miserable. Tomorrow, I plan to be more productive. I am going to search for a job in my town. I was actually avoiding that. Why? Because I don't really want to run into people I know and who I need to explain my current state to. Next term I am going to try to get into Queens College. I would rather go there than Hunter. I never liked Hunter. I should have applied to Queens begin with. If I don't get in there, maybe I will apply out of state. Not too far, but not to close. On the other hand, maybe I can dream and get a real job, then I can get an apartment and start truly supporting myself.
I basically decided to be an English major by the way. I don't know if i mentioned that in a previous blog or not. Maybe I'll be an english major, and I'll teach in a high school. I think I could do that. I'm used to beurocratic crap. Maybe I'll eventually write a book like I've always wanted to do. I wouldn't mind. A children's book, maybe young adult. Maybe a romantic book. I don't know. I just want to do something with my life so I can die in peace.
So, tell me people. When you are in a relationship do you start thinking in terms of "we" or is that just irrational in today's work of practicality? Do people have the right to ask their partner to change their dreams for the better of the "we," or not? Should there be a "me/I" after the "we" happens? Should people change their dreams to include their loves? Should they at least offer, so that the love/spouse has the oppurtunity to say, "No, you do what you need to do." Once people get married are they still just responsible for the "I", or are they then responsible for the "we?" My m&m's just spilled all over my bed damn. Should people who love each other, stay together, or grow apart, and come together again? When you are in love is it the best part of your life, or the most painful, or both? Does every good thing come with something bad? Well, somebody let me know your opinion of that stuff.
I'm going to attepmt to sleep now, I mean it is 1:45 AM. So, ttyl and tell me some answers somebody. Amybody can comment you know. You don't need to tell me your real name.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Well, just so you all know, my cuts are pretty much healed. I mean, not completely, but they don't really hurt anymore. I can bend my thumb again!!! Yahoo!!! Lol.
Let's see it's Monday night, 2:05 AM, so technically I guess it's Tuesday morning. My Monday was alright. The morning wasn't too eventful. I talked to my cousin on the phone, might see her one of these days, lol. After talking to her, I commenced in cleaning my desk. Trust me, it really needed it. Still does, I stopped in the middle. Anyway, I was interrupted from cleaning by my boyfriend. He had an interview this (yesterday) morning. He had to prepare a lesson on the conception of political parties in the U.S. I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like a hard lesson to prepare. I mean what high schooler is going to be interested in that? So, not only did he have to worry about the content of the lesson, but he also had to worry about making it interesting to a bunch of high schoolers. Poor baby.
Anyway, after he went through that, he came to my house. He was all stressed out. Ya know nerves, and just from general stress. So, I tried to calm him down, then we went to eat a little lunch. After that, we went back to my house. My poor boyfriend seemed to develop a little fever. I don't even know how that happened. He was sooo stressed. He drove me to work, went home, and fell asleep. I talked to him later, he seemed to be better, so that was good.
Meanwhile, I was at work. Nothing very exciting happened. One kid hurt his ankle doing something on bars (I don't know what because he wasn't in my group), and two other kids took it upon themselves to decorate the gym floor. I don't know where, but they found pens and drew on the floor. As soon as I knew they were doing this, I of course took the pens away. Besides, that nothing very exciting happened at work today. I have to go back Thursday, around 2:00pm. Also, I'm doing a birthday party on Sunday, yippee! It's only one party and it's in the gym, so no water. Good, cuz I can't do water this week, lol. Anyway, it's taken me a while to write this blog, because I keep getting distracted by the TV, so I'm gonna go to sleep.
Good night reader's, sleep well and have a good tomorrow.
Let's see it's Monday night, 2:05 AM, so technically I guess it's Tuesday morning. My Monday was alright. The morning wasn't too eventful. I talked to my cousin on the phone, might see her one of these days, lol. After talking to her, I commenced in cleaning my desk. Trust me, it really needed it. Still does, I stopped in the middle. Anyway, I was interrupted from cleaning by my boyfriend. He had an interview this (yesterday) morning. He had to prepare a lesson on the conception of political parties in the U.S. I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like a hard lesson to prepare. I mean what high schooler is going to be interested in that? So, not only did he have to worry about the content of the lesson, but he also had to worry about making it interesting to a bunch of high schoolers. Poor baby.
Anyway, after he went through that, he came to my house. He was all stressed out. Ya know nerves, and just from general stress. So, I tried to calm him down, then we went to eat a little lunch. After that, we went back to my house. My poor boyfriend seemed to develop a little fever. I don't even know how that happened. He was sooo stressed. He drove me to work, went home, and fell asleep. I talked to him later, he seemed to be better, so that was good.
Meanwhile, I was at work. Nothing very exciting happened. One kid hurt his ankle doing something on bars (I don't know what because he wasn't in my group), and two other kids took it upon themselves to decorate the gym floor. I don't know where, but they found pens and drew on the floor. As soon as I knew they were doing this, I of course took the pens away. Besides, that nothing very exciting happened at work today. I have to go back Thursday, around 2:00pm. Also, I'm doing a birthday party on Sunday, yippee! It's only one party and it's in the gym, so no water. Good, cuz I can't do water this week, lol. Anyway, it's taken me a while to write this blog, because I keep getting distracted by the TV, so I'm gonna go to sleep.
Good night reader's, sleep well and have a good tomorrow.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
So... Any comments on my new page design? : - P
Ok, so, let me start off by saying that I am an idiot. I was cleaning last Friday, perfectly rational thing to do, right? Not, with me in the picture. It started off innocently enough, a little laundry, a little dusting, and a little vacuuming. Ok, the last one is where I lost it. I was vaccuuming every crevice, every freak'n surface of my room. My aunt gave me a glass table a while ago (this isn't a sidetrack, bear with me). It was very nice. It was almost the width of a twin size bed and pretty much the same depth as one across. It was a little smaller, but pretty much those were the dimensions. Ok, so, I was vacuuming. The table was in my way. I wanted to pull out the extra bed from under my bed, but the that's where I kept the table. Ok, now I had three options. One: I could push the whole thing out of the way (as in slide it). Two: I could wait for my boyfriend to come and help me move the table. Three: I could pick the glass up off its legs and move it out of the way myself. Option number one was not really an option, there isn't really enough room to slide the table away. Besides, since the glass wasn't attached to the legs, I'm not sure it really would have slid properly. Ok, option number two. I don't like waiting for people. I am under the general impression that I am not a weakling and that I can do certain things by myself. I knew I could carry the glass myself, I've done it, but not from a lying down position. As for option number three... Well, that's what I did. It didn't work out so well. I was hefting the glass off the legs, was going ok. I got it up to a vertical position, but then it just kept going... I end up falling right into it. I cut my hand pretty deeply in three places, my left hand, have I mentioned that I'm a lefty? I cut my knee, my right hand (only a little bit), I got little tiny cuts on my chest and left arm. Oh yes, somehow, as the table fell, it hit my ankle, so it's bruised and swollen. This has nothing to do with the table, but a mosquito also bit up my ankle, so it's somewhat extra swollen, lol.
So after my table debacle I called my father, he wasn't home. I knew he wasn't, but I called anyway. Then I called my boyfriend. He put me on the phone with his father (he's a doctor, it makes sense, lol). It was bleeding pretty profusely. I just applied pressure and it pretty much stopped. It was oozing for a while, but I don't need stitches or anything. It could have been much worse, the way I fell I could have slit my wrists. I didn't though, so don't worry. My boyfriend got to my house eventually, helped me clean up the glass. We removed it, lol.
Today, I worked three birthday parties. One was a double extended birthday party. Two long in the pool!!! AHHH!!!! Lol. I don't want to go into it right now. All you need to know is that I am soooo tired... I'm going to go now. Tell me something people.
Ok, so, let me start off by saying that I am an idiot. I was cleaning last Friday, perfectly rational thing to do, right? Not, with me in the picture. It started off innocently enough, a little laundry, a little dusting, and a little vacuuming. Ok, the last one is where I lost it. I was vaccuuming every crevice, every freak'n surface of my room. My aunt gave me a glass table a while ago (this isn't a sidetrack, bear with me). It was very nice. It was almost the width of a twin size bed and pretty much the same depth as one across. It was a little smaller, but pretty much those were the dimensions. Ok, so, I was vacuuming. The table was in my way. I wanted to pull out the extra bed from under my bed, but the that's where I kept the table. Ok, now I had three options. One: I could push the whole thing out of the way (as in slide it). Two: I could wait for my boyfriend to come and help me move the table. Three: I could pick the glass up off its legs and move it out of the way myself. Option number one was not really an option, there isn't really enough room to slide the table away. Besides, since the glass wasn't attached to the legs, I'm not sure it really would have slid properly. Ok, option number two. I don't like waiting for people. I am under the general impression that I am not a weakling and that I can do certain things by myself. I knew I could carry the glass myself, I've done it, but not from a lying down position. As for option number three... Well, that's what I did. It didn't work out so well. I was hefting the glass off the legs, was going ok. I got it up to a vertical position, but then it just kept going... I end up falling right into it. I cut my hand pretty deeply in three places, my left hand, have I mentioned that I'm a lefty? I cut my knee, my right hand (only a little bit), I got little tiny cuts on my chest and left arm. Oh yes, somehow, as the table fell, it hit my ankle, so it's bruised and swollen. This has nothing to do with the table, but a mosquito also bit up my ankle, so it's somewhat extra swollen, lol.
So after my table debacle I called my father, he wasn't home. I knew he wasn't, but I called anyway. Then I called my boyfriend. He put me on the phone with his father (he's a doctor, it makes sense, lol). It was bleeding pretty profusely. I just applied pressure and it pretty much stopped. It was oozing for a while, but I don't need stitches or anything. It could have been much worse, the way I fell I could have slit my wrists. I didn't though, so don't worry. My boyfriend got to my house eventually, helped me clean up the glass. We removed it, lol.
Today, I worked three birthday parties. One was a double extended birthday party. Two long in the pool!!! AHHH!!!! Lol. I don't want to go into it right now. All you need to know is that I am soooo tired... I'm going to go now. Tell me something people.
Thursday, September 14, 2006

So this is my new haircut, for those of you still wondering what it looks like. It's not the greatest picture in the world, but you get the idea.
An update from last time... Well, I'm babysitting later. In fact I'm going to call the people soon to confirm. It's raining outside and kinda icky. I wish somebody would lend me their car to get to work later. It would sure make my life easier. I have to walk there otherwise, and I'm not even exactly sure where it is. I might just take a cab. I think I may do that.
I used to wish I knew how to drive, now I wish I had a car, lol. Life is funny like that, we're almost never satisfied with what we have. I guess that is one of the things that makes us human. We have the ability to think (therefore we are), we have the ability to learn from our mistakes, and we have the ability to never be happy with what we have. Lol. Life just has its randomly funny aspects I guess. Anyway people, I'll talk to you later. I gotta go do some stuff, maybe eat for the day... I should remember to do that more often, lol.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
So, you may have noticed that I haven't written anything in a while. I have a very good reason. I have a very boring life. I haven't been doing very much of anything. I finished my resume with my helpfully aunt's help. Problem is that I don't know what to do about it. Now I have this resume, which looks pretty good. However, I don't even know where to begin, or what I want to do. I was thinking about trying to get into voice overs, but I'm really not sure how to go about it. I found a website in a "careers for dummies" book, or something like that, but the website looked so full of it. They promise to fulfill your dreams and start up a great career with a six figure salary. I am skeptical to say the least. I think later in the week, maybe tomorrow I am going to go to one or more of the fancy department stores in the city. I want to try out personal shopping. I like shopping and I like telling people what to do, lol. I was actually seriously thinking about going into editing. Maybe I can try to get a job as a secretary in a publishing company, work my way up. As long as I don't have to be like the guy in 1984, and edit history, I think I can do it. Maybe I will end up going back to college next term and perhaps I will major in English. I didn't especially like the college I was going to, I didn't really fit in. Everybody seemed to know what they were doing, they were driven. Since I had/have no idea what I want to do, I was not driven like they were. It made me feel like an outsider I guess. I didn't like the administration either, they were singularly unhelpful. I know most bureaucracies tend to be like that, why should they have to be? Seriously, what's the point of making people as annoyed as they can be at you? It doesn't help anybody. Whatever.
Anyway, I think I'm done ranting about my pitiful life for the moment. I'll tell you about last weekend instead. Ok, so Friday I took my boyfriend over to the Board of Ed. Gee, that was fun. Did you know that the B.O.E. smells? Well, if you didn't, now you do. Actually, the whole area kind of smelled. Now don't get me wrong, I like Brooklyn, I really do, it's pretty. I'm just saying that the area in which we were kind of smelled. End of story. After the B.O.E., we went to a bar across the street. My boyfriend was stressed from all the crap he had to do, so I bought him a beer. After this we slowly made it back to my good 'ol town. I got some of my stuff together and my boyfriend and I went back to his house for Shabbat dinner with his family. We had some sort of garlic and rice. It's a middle eastern dish I believe. Anyway, after dinner we were both exhausted. Going to Brooklyn and back is pretty tiring in itself, and the stress of the B.O.E. didn't help matters. So we fell asleep in the basement to an Original Series Star Trek marathon. I saw the beginning of each episode, then fell asleep for the rest. That's ok though, I have them memorized, what can I say, I am my father's daughter. Eventually, after sleeping on the couch for a while we both went upstairs to go to sleep. Me being me, I stayed up for a while before I fell asleep. I assume that my boyfriend fell asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow.
The next day, we didn't wake up until about 12:30PM. I guess we really were tired, eh? So, after waking up (finally), we went off to Coney Island (still the only amusement park I've ever been to by the way). We drove around for a good half hour if not more looking for somewhere to put the car. We gave up eventually and decided to put the car in a lot that advertised as being $10 a day. So we figured that wasn't so bad. We got to the lot just to find it full. Yippee!!! We were going to go home discouraged when we saw the aquarium parking lot. We went in and stayed. Stupid parking lot costs $22.00 to park! However, it includes one adult admission ticket, which is $14.00, so in essence parking is only $8.00. When it comes down to it, that isn't too bad. So we went to see all the fish, and sharks, and jelly fish. After eating some abominable food in the cafeteria, we went over to Astroland and went on some rides. We went on Saturn 6 (that green thing I told you about last time), and the Water Flume, and we also did some Go Karting. We were pretty tired after this so we went back to my boyfriend's house for dinner. We had steak, his mom is a good cook and his dad grills a mean steak, lol. After dinner I was helping my boyfriend write a cover letter. Well, he wrote it, and I edited it. That's when I discovered the whole editing thing. That took until about 10:00. We went to go see The Illusionist that night. It was ok, a little too predictable, but still good. It was about this magician that fell in love with his childhood friend. Except, they were from different classes in Austria. She was of the aristocracy, promised to marry a prince (or something like that), and he was the son of a poor woodmaker. Whatever, I won't tell you the rest, but it was pretty, as I said, predictable. There is another movie that is supposed to come out soon, I think called The Prestige. It is also about a magician. Maybe that one will be a bit more suspenseful. Anyway, we went back to his house, finished up his cover letter thing and he took me home.
On Sunday, I had to go to work. There was a Fall Festival. Basically, my friend and I watched a bunch of babies play with their parents and each other. Fun. Tiring. After work my boyfriend picked me up and we went to his house for dinner with his parents and one of his brothers. His mom made some fish, it was very good. After dinner, his parents and brother went to smoke outside while watching t.v. We went down to the basement and played with his Nascar computer game. Before dinner actually, I helped him write a note to some people my aunt wanted him to thank. Long story, don't ask, lol. I edited again. Anyway, after we played with the computer for a while we went to go eat some ice cream pops, then we watched Red Eye on t.v., that was a good movie. Later, after the movie, he took me home. That was the end of my weekend.
Meanwhile, during the course of my blog writing I got a call from my boss. I am working almost all week next week. My point is that I don't know if it's a good idea to go to other places looking for a job this week, if I can't go anywhere next week, can't start a new job if I'm still doing my old job. We'll see. I'll ask people for advice, lol. So, anyway, that's been my life as of late. Tell me about yours...
Anyway, I think I'm done ranting about my pitiful life for the moment. I'll tell you about last weekend instead. Ok, so Friday I took my boyfriend over to the Board of Ed. Gee, that was fun. Did you know that the B.O.E. smells? Well, if you didn't, now you do. Actually, the whole area kind of smelled. Now don't get me wrong, I like Brooklyn, I really do, it's pretty. I'm just saying that the area in which we were kind of smelled. End of story. After the B.O.E., we went to a bar across the street. My boyfriend was stressed from all the crap he had to do, so I bought him a beer. After this we slowly made it back to my good 'ol town. I got some of my stuff together and my boyfriend and I went back to his house for Shabbat dinner with his family. We had some sort of garlic and rice. It's a middle eastern dish I believe. Anyway, after dinner we were both exhausted. Going to Brooklyn and back is pretty tiring in itself, and the stress of the B.O.E. didn't help matters. So we fell asleep in the basement to an Original Series Star Trek marathon. I saw the beginning of each episode, then fell asleep for the rest. That's ok though, I have them memorized, what can I say, I am my father's daughter. Eventually, after sleeping on the couch for a while we both went upstairs to go to sleep. Me being me, I stayed up for a while before I fell asleep. I assume that my boyfriend fell asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow.
The next day, we didn't wake up until about 12:30PM. I guess we really were tired, eh? So, after waking up (finally), we went off to Coney Island (still the only amusement park I've ever been to by the way). We drove around for a good half hour if not more looking for somewhere to put the car. We gave up eventually and decided to put the car in a lot that advertised as being $10 a day. So we figured that wasn't so bad. We got to the lot just to find it full. Yippee!!! We were going to go home discouraged when we saw the aquarium parking lot. We went in and stayed. Stupid parking lot costs $22.00 to park! However, it includes one adult admission ticket, which is $14.00, so in essence parking is only $8.00. When it comes down to it, that isn't too bad. So we went to see all the fish, and sharks, and jelly fish. After eating some abominable food in the cafeteria, we went over to Astroland and went on some rides. We went on Saturn 6 (that green thing I told you about last time), and the Water Flume, and we also did some Go Karting. We were pretty tired after this so we went back to my boyfriend's house for dinner. We had steak, his mom is a good cook and his dad grills a mean steak, lol. After dinner I was helping my boyfriend write a cover letter. Well, he wrote it, and I edited it. That's when I discovered the whole editing thing. That took until about 10:00. We went to go see The Illusionist that night. It was ok, a little too predictable, but still good. It was about this magician that fell in love with his childhood friend. Except, they were from different classes in Austria. She was of the aristocracy, promised to marry a prince (or something like that), and he was the son of a poor woodmaker. Whatever, I won't tell you the rest, but it was pretty, as I said, predictable. There is another movie that is supposed to come out soon, I think called The Prestige. It is also about a magician. Maybe that one will be a bit more suspenseful. Anyway, we went back to his house, finished up his cover letter thing and he took me home.
On Sunday, I had to go to work. There was a Fall Festival. Basically, my friend and I watched a bunch of babies play with their parents and each other. Fun. Tiring. After work my boyfriend picked me up and we went to his house for dinner with his parents and one of his brothers. His mom made some fish, it was very good. After dinner, his parents and brother went to smoke outside while watching t.v. We went down to the basement and played with his Nascar computer game. Before dinner actually, I helped him write a note to some people my aunt wanted him to thank. Long story, don't ask, lol. I edited again. Anyway, after we played with the computer for a while we went to go eat some ice cream pops, then we watched Red Eye on t.v., that was a good movie. Later, after the movie, he took me home. That was the end of my weekend.
Meanwhile, during the course of my blog writing I got a call from my boss. I am working almost all week next week. My point is that I don't know if it's a good idea to go to other places looking for a job this week, if I can't go anywhere next week, can't start a new job if I'm still doing my old job. We'll see. I'll ask people for advice, lol. So, anyway, that's been my life as of late. Tell me about yours...
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