Tuesday, September 26, 2006

How was your Tuesday everybody? Mine really sucked. I fought with my boyfriend, and basically sat around miserable. Tomorrow, I plan to be more productive. I am going to search for a job in my town. I was actually avoiding that. Why? Because I don't really want to run into people I know and who I need to explain my current state to. Next term I am going to try to get into Queens College. I would rather go there than Hunter. I never liked Hunter. I should have applied to Queens begin with. If I don't get in there, maybe I will apply out of state. Not too far, but not to close. On the other hand, maybe I can dream and get a real job, then I can get an apartment and start truly supporting myself.

I basically decided to be an English major by the way. I don't know if i mentioned that in a previous blog or not. Maybe I'll be an english major, and I'll teach in a high school. I think I could do that. I'm used to beurocratic crap. Maybe I'll eventually write a book like I've always wanted to do. I wouldn't mind. A children's book, maybe young adult. Maybe a romantic book. I don't know. I just want to do something with my life so I can die in peace.

So, tell me people. When you are in a relationship do you start thinking in terms of "we" or is that just irrational in today's work of practicality? Do people have the right to ask their partner to change their dreams for the better of the "we," or not? Should there be a "me/I" after the "we" happens? Should people change their dreams to include their loves? Should they at least offer, so that the love/spouse has the oppurtunity to say, "No, you do what you need to do." Once people get married are they still just responsible for the "I", or are they then responsible for the "we?" My m&m's just spilled all over my bed damn. Should people who love each other, stay together, or grow apart, and come together again? When you are in love is it the best part of your life, or the most painful, or both? Does every good thing come with something bad? Well, somebody let me know your opinion of that stuff.

I'm going to attepmt to sleep now, I mean it is 1:45 AM. So, ttyl and tell me some answers somebody. Amybody can comment you know. You don't need to tell me your real name.


Anonymous said...

Someone's just begging for comments, huh ?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm .. Bad fight, huh ? Lemme guess ... He doesn't want you to become an english major or something .. ? Or vice versa ?

I think it's perfectly justified to do whatever one wants to do in life ... But when you're in a relationship , you gotta draw the line when "it" (whatever it is) affects your partner a lot .. (imagine becoming a hooker :-P ) I mean sure , there might be a million things that he doesn't approve of ... But when he really feels uncomfortable with something , i guess you gotta stop yourself , irrespective of whether you feel he's being irrational or not ..

Anonymous said...

Hey , what's up ? Why no posts recently ?

elise said...

I guess this is one of those give and take things. When one partner does all the comprimising you know somethings wrong.