Friday, October 06, 2006

Ok, I'm not going to write about the three little pigs right now. It's 8:35 and I'm waiting for my mother to finish cooking her fish so that we can eat dinner. My boyfriend is upstairs watching the baseball game, Yankees against... some other team. I'm in my room watching Grey's Anatomy. I missed it yesterday, I didn't even know it was on, my boyfriend told me, then put the baseball game back on.

So, I made meatloaf and potatoes. How American can I get, huh? Lol. My mom is making salmon and rice. I wonder if she put the fish on the grill yet. I sure hope she did, I'm hungry. My food is ready, so I want to eat. I never really made a meatloaf before, so I just hope it doesn't taste too bad. I can't smell it because my mom put on the heat, it's the first time it's been on this season, so it stinks. I'm not a heating expert, so I can't tell you why. Maybe it's burning up some dust or something. I really can't tell you. I don't especially care very muxh either. Oh well. I'm hungry.

OOO, we're sorta ready. Gotta go, ctach ya later...

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