Friday, November 03, 2006

So, it's Friday night. What did I do today? I went to work, got there at 9:30, left at about 3:00. On the way to the super market I ran into an old friend, that was nice. While I was shopping I ran into my stepdad so he was able to take me home. I got home, I took a shower and started stripping the beds. I'm still sitting here on a bare bed and it's 1:30 am. The sheets are in the dryer. My boyfriend came over for dinner. I made chicken cutlets and stir-fry peas and onions. My mom made rice and fish. So we ate dinner, rather late. We ate late for a reason, but I don't feel like writing about it right now. We ate dinner, and afterwards my boyfriend and I went out to get lattes for my mom and stepdad, and a movie for us. Starbucks was unfortunately closed, so we couldn't get the lattes. We did however rent "The Weather Man."

So we got home. I watched the dishes and put them in the dishwasher (oxymoronic? I think not). My boyfriend and I went downstairs and I fixed up his bed. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He woke up really early, and it WAS 1:20 am when he went to sleep. I don't know, I'm annoyed anyway. We didn't talk about what we're doing tomorrow, we didn't watch the movie we rented, and we didn't even say good night to each other. I'm sitting here with him and it's like I'm all alone, except I have to tip toe around. I'm bored. I'm usually bored around now. There are no good repeats on, and I don't really have anything to do. Usually I could just go to sleep, but I can't even do that now because I'm waiting for my sheets to dry.

So that's been my day, how was yours you people?

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