Sunday, January 14, 2007

My weekend is so not worth talking about...

Have you ever had any of those disturbing waking thoughts? It's like you're in a semi sleep state and you are not exactly conscious where your mind is drifting, but you aren't asleep either. Well today, I was on my way back from Connecticut with my father and grandmother, and all of the sudden I started wondering what it would be like to suddenly lose my hearing, 100% of my hearing. I found this little "dream" of mine, very disturbing. I imagined myself years ahead, married to my boyfriend, only to find that when I woke up one morning, I was totally deaf. I couldn't hear my own voice, but what upset me most was that I could no longer hear his voice. I really do love hearing his voice.

My other waking dreams, to my recollection over the years have been equally disturbing. People I love in car accidents, or in a fire, or some other horrible situation. I think, not totally sure, but I think this is the first time the horrible thing was happening to me. However, even though this was happening to me, it was more about it's impact on the people surrounding me, sort of. I'm not sure.

I'm not crazy by the way. I'm not now, nor have I ever been depressed. I'm just me. Take it or leave it.

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