Saturday, March 10, 2007

People are really annoying me lately. I really need to get out of this town. I need to do something with my life. At least I need to get away for a little while. I haven't been out of town since the summer, when I went to Boston with Rich. I know that isn't exactly the longest I or others have been without a vacation. However, it's really time I get out of here. I don't even really care where I go... Although, If I were to be honest about it, I'd like to go somewhere warm. Somewhere where I don't really have to think about anything. I guess I want to go some place like Florida. It's too expansive though. I'm trying to save for a car. That means I can't really have anything else until I get a car. I haven't bought any clothes this winter. I bought one pair of shoes, but I needed them for an occasion. I've looked like crap all winter, and fall for that matter. I need to get my hair dyed. I need to get a hair cut while I'm at it. I sort of wish I came from a wealthy family, so that my parents could really support me. I mean, they put a roof over my head, and my father generally feeds me four times a week. But except for medical bills... I pretty much pay for everything I need while still trying to save for a car. I buy my own books, I buy my own clothes (when I get them), I pay for my own lunch, when I eat it. When I make dinner at home, I pay for all the seperate ingredients. I know it doesn't sound all that bad, but it really is. I work, but it's not like I make a hell of a lot of money. I generally make less than $200 a month. That works out fine, if nothing comes up, like people's birthdays, and also if I'm not trying to save for a car. My cat isn't even currently living with me. There are a few reasons for this, but one of the main reasons is that I honestly can't afford having a boyfriend and a cat. When I go out with my boyfriend, I don't expect him to pay for everything all the time. I pay for things also. So what ends up happening is that I spend like $40 a week on the two of us, mostly just for food. I used to spend $40 a week on the cat. So, that's how I can't afford both a boyfriend and my cat.

I really need another job. I don't even know where to look though. I don't especially want to work in retail, but I think I'm going to have to. Unless something else comes along, and why would it? Life just doesn't give you opportunities, you have to go out and get them. I can't really get anywhere, since I don't have a car... and since I don't have a car, I can't really get anywhere... It's my favorite little paradox. I'm probably going to end up applying for a job in the city. A big store I think... Macy's... and maybe Bloomingdales, we'll see. Maybe I'll apply to a Barnes&Noble, but I seriously don't want to stack and sort books. If I can find a job somewhere that involves writing in some way, that would be great. Somehow though, I don't see that happening. I guess when I go back to school, I'll have less time to worry about stuff, and also an excuse why I don't have another job....

I need to get another job before I go back to school, before the summer also. I need the money. I need to be able to save some money so that I can get a car and get to school... Also, I need the money once I have the car, so that I can pay for gas. Life should not be based around money. Seriously, we should find another way.

Far be it for me to compare life to Star Trek, but they figured out how to abolish the need for money, and we should seriously consider figuring out how to do that.

I think I'm done rambling now. But who knows, maybe I'll be back later....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow .. I really feel guilty now since my parents pay for almost everything i need ... Whenever i need something, i just yodle out to them and apart from grumbling a teeny bit, they get it/them for me ... always

I'll say a prayer for u , really hope you get an awesome job...