Today was not a bad day. Last night however, was a little bit aggravating. Have you ever noticed that the more inconveniences happen to you the more you might get used to them?
Last night I actually fell asleep before 4:30am. Since I was sick and I was sleeping so much my sleep schedule was completely thrown off. I'm already an insomniac, so I have trouble sleeping before 2am. Recently, I haven't been able to fall asleep until 4:30am. Wonderful, right? Fine. I was exhausted on Sunday night, not even sure why, just a long day. I fell asleep around 2:30am. Good, right? I was woken up around 4:00am by Danny, my cat. He was sitting on my bed throwing up. GREAT! Read the sarcasm people. He was on the edge of the bed. He threw up there, I kicked him off the bed, he threw up again on the floor, and then went under the bed and... you guessed it, he threw up under the bed too! Talk about aggravating inconveniences. I had to clean my bed. I couldn't face changing the sheets at that time of night so I just cleaned the vomit off and "washed" the comforter in that area. Then I moved on to the floor. That was much easier. Then there was under the bed. I had to move furniture in order to get to the puke. I was thrilled that he threw up near the edge of the bed rather than the middle, that would have been a disaster. I would have had to *take the beds apart and close one up... Anyway. I was able to clean up all the vomit.
After the cleaning I couldn't fall back asleep for about an hour. Therefore, I was tired and woke up later than I was planning to. (1pm). Shh, don't tell Rich.
I've got to leave now, so unless something earth shattering happen later I'll be back tomorrow. Bye!
* I have two twin beds held together by a band that goes around the circumference of the bed making my two twin beds one large king bed. So, If Danny had throw up under the back bed I would have had to take off the band and close one of the beds. They are day risers. So one of them goes up and down, fits under the other one. Look it up if you don't know what I mean.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday was my first day out of the house since the previous Monday. It was a long time to be in the house. On Tuesday I slept for just about 20 hours. Even the few hours I was awake I was very drowsy. On Wednesday I slept for.... maybe ten hours. Slightly more normal. I was drowsy all day though.
Thursday, I was still a little bit out of it, but I was ready to go out. That's when there was a snowstorm and everything was closed. Grr. I was going stir crazy at that point. I don't like being trapped in the house, especially with my mother home also. Not that she was really bothering me. I just knew she was there. I could feel her presence of disapproval looming over me. I know that I am being over dramatic about that. I know. It's just... I can't be fully comfortable when she's here. I always think she's going to ask me to do something.... unnecessary.
Friday I had no reason to go out during the day, so I stayed in. Friday evening Rich picked me up. We went back to his house and had dinner with his parents and his brother and sister in law. After they went home, Rich fell asleep. I ended up watching the United States of Tara by myself. I've never seen the show before, I don't get Showtime, but Rich does. I like the show a lot. It's written really well and acted really well. It's a good combination. Toni Collette is awesome. She plays multiple personalities really well. If you haven't seen the show, I'd check it out. I watched episode 1-9 of season two, so Rich and I didn't go up to bed until about 4:30am. It's ok, I've been sleeping so much lately that I didn't care.
Saturday, we went to Sports Authority to get Rich new work out pants. He really needed new ones, trust me. There were holes in the old ones. In bad places. After we got the pants we went to Costco. What a crazy place. Crowded. Aggravating. HOT! It was so overly warm in there that I found myself looking for the refrigerator section so that I could cool off. This is coming from someone who is more often than not, cold. That is how hot is was in there. Rich and I had a light lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. We both got salads.
Rich and I went back to his house and he used his new work out pants. Eventually we had dinner with his parents. At some point I watched the last three episodes of Tara season two. Now I can't wait until season three. I am addicted. We also watched Repo Men. Any thoughts? I have thoughts but I'll wait until next time.
Since it's late and I'm actually going to work tomorrow I'm going to sign off. I'd appreciate at least one comment, just to see if anyone is reading....
Friday, January 28, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
I'm sitting here at work now and I just wanted to mention that I saw a dinosaur today. He (maybe she?) walked up to desk and asked if we had any classes for his two daughters. I really wasn't sure what to say. I mean it isn't very often that we get his kind. I don't want to seem as though I am discriminatory, but... there really isn't any room for him in the classes. I don't mean that we are overflowing with registration. I mean just what I say. He does not fit in the classrooms.
After explaining this to him, he asked if we could set up a private gymnastics class for his daughters.
"Unfortunately, we only have the gymnastics equipment set up during classes, sir."
"Oh. Well do you have anyone that does private tutoring? They could come to my home."
"Your home?"
"Yes, I have a very large area of my cave in the basement. Would I have to get anything?"
"Well... I'm not really sure. You would have to talk to the teacher about that. I would assume that at the very least you need mats. I actually know someone who might be interested. He does personal training, he's a physical therapist, and he teaches gymnastics."
"Oh! Can you give me his number?"
"Well... I'm not at liberty to divulge that information to customers. If you leave your name and number I'll give him the information."
"You won't forget about me as soon as I leave?"
"I don't think I could even if I wanted to, sir. You're very memorable."
It turns out that my recommendation worked out. It just goes to show that dinosaurs are people just like everyone else.
After explaining this to him, he asked if we could set up a private gymnastics class for his daughters.
"Unfortunately, we only have the gymnastics equipment set up during classes, sir."
"Oh. Well do you have anyone that does private tutoring? They could come to my home."
"Your home?"
"Yes, I have a very large area of my cave in the basement. Would I have to get anything?"
"Well... I'm not really sure. You would have to talk to the teacher about that. I would assume that at the very least you need mats. I actually know someone who might be interested. He does personal training, he's a physical therapist, and he teaches gymnastics."
"Oh! Can you give me his number?"
"Well... I'm not at liberty to divulge that information to customers. If you leave your name and number I'll give him the information."
"You won't forget about me as soon as I leave?"
"I don't think I could even if I wanted to, sir. You're very memorable."
It turns out that my recommendation worked out. It just goes to show that dinosaurs are people just like everyone else.
The Pros and Cons of Waking Up Early:
1. Get more done
2. Feel productive
3. You don't get that "I've slept too long" slump
4. You get to see the sun (which doesn't apply to me since I work in a basement)
5. You (apparently) can write in your blog
6. You can actually eat 3 meals in the day at normal hours (yeah, which again doesn't apply to me)
1. You are tired- all day
2. In my case, my stomach hurts until 1pm or so
3. You don't get to dream as much. This is a really big deal for me. I love dreaming. The longer I sleep the more likely I am to remember my dreams. Also, they get more interesting the longer I sleep. I've had dreams about a Pepsi factory out in the woods. Interestingly enough, I don't even like Pepsi, I prefer Coco-Cola.
4. You get the bitch fest thing. I'm not a morning person, stay out of my way.
5. You have to eat more meals a day.
6. Have I mentioned that you're tired all day?
Maybe it's just me. I don't like waking up early, but I feel more productive when I do. Also, if I sleep too late I am exhausted all day, until maybe 10pm, which is when my mind starts waking up. I feel sluggish and slow. It's not fun. I love sleeping though! They say people who sleep all day are depressed. I am not depressed. I just enjoy curling up in my bed, pulling my covers up over me, and lying sleeping. It is definitely the most relaxing thing to do.
I don't have a problem waking up early if I have something to do. Today, I woke up and went to work, where I am now. My stomach still hurts, but it will pass. If I try waking up early when I know I have nowhere to go, it won't work. I guess it's psychological. My biological clock is backwards or something like that. I can't fall asleep until, at the earliest, 2am, and I naturally don't wake up until 12pm, or later. What I really need is a reason to wake up early on a regular basis. I need a full time job.
It's been suggested to me that I go into high end retail. My question is, who would hire me without previous retail experience. Sure I work at the desk. I sell bathing caps, goggles and master locks and the occasional nose plug. I don't sell clothes. What I do sell, are classes. I have to convince people that they can't live without signing their kids up for gymnastics or swimming. They need to believe that they really need to take Pilates. These things may or may not be true. I do believe that physical fitness is very important for people of all ages, but what I believe is immaterial. If I can convince someone to register for a class that they were perhaps of the fence about I feel as if I have accomplished something.
I was actually thinking about getting a NYS real estate license. It might not be good to solely rely on real estate as income in this economy, but in my case, where I'm only working part time anyway, it couldn't hurt. Once I have my license, I have it. I always have it. I could always use it, or not. Getting the license doesn't cost so much that it's not doable, so I think I should do it.
What do you think?
1. Get more done
2. Feel productive
3. You don't get that "I've slept too long" slump
4. You get to see the sun (which doesn't apply to me since I work in a basement)
5. You (apparently) can write in your blog
6. You can actually eat 3 meals in the day at normal hours (yeah, which again doesn't apply to me)
1. You are tired- all day
2. In my case, my stomach hurts until 1pm or so
3. You don't get to dream as much. This is a really big deal for me. I love dreaming. The longer I sleep the more likely I am to remember my dreams. Also, they get more interesting the longer I sleep. I've had dreams about a Pepsi factory out in the woods. Interestingly enough, I don't even like Pepsi, I prefer Coco-Cola.
4. You get the bitch fest thing. I'm not a morning person, stay out of my way.
5. You have to eat more meals a day.
6. Have I mentioned that you're tired all day?
Maybe it's just me. I don't like waking up early, but I feel more productive when I do. Also, if I sleep too late I am exhausted all day, until maybe 10pm, which is when my mind starts waking up. I feel sluggish and slow. It's not fun. I love sleeping though! They say people who sleep all day are depressed. I am not depressed. I just enjoy curling up in my bed, pulling my covers up over me, and lying sleeping. It is definitely the most relaxing thing to do.
I don't have a problem waking up early if I have something to do. Today, I woke up and went to work, where I am now. My stomach still hurts, but it will pass. If I try waking up early when I know I have nowhere to go, it won't work. I guess it's psychological. My biological clock is backwards or something like that. I can't fall asleep until, at the earliest, 2am, and I naturally don't wake up until 12pm, or later. What I really need is a reason to wake up early on a regular basis. I need a full time job.
It's been suggested to me that I go into high end retail. My question is, who would hire me without previous retail experience. Sure I work at the desk. I sell bathing caps, goggles and master locks and the occasional nose plug. I don't sell clothes. What I do sell, are classes. I have to convince people that they can't live without signing their kids up for gymnastics or swimming. They need to believe that they really need to take Pilates. These things may or may not be true. I do believe that physical fitness is very important for people of all ages, but what I believe is immaterial. If I can convince someone to register for a class that they were perhaps of the fence about I feel as if I have accomplished something.
I was actually thinking about getting a NYS real estate license. It might not be good to solely rely on real estate as income in this economy, but in my case, where I'm only working part time anyway, it couldn't hurt. Once I have my license, I have it. I always have it. I could always use it, or not. Getting the license doesn't cost so much that it's not doable, so I think I should do it.
What do you think?
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Not writing much for now, too tired.
I had a good weekend filled with Rich. There was a lot of Rich, I was very happy about all the Rich. I made a rotisserie chicken on Saturday and a oven roasted chicken today. Lots of Rich and chicken. There were string beans to be had and pasta for me. Unfortunately, there was a
ice cream bar, and a
ice cream bar and
bar too. I was a naughty girl.
It was a cold weekend and all through the day and night I wore fleece upon fleece holding myself tight. I wore shirt over shirt and pants over leggings socks with slippers and a scarf at times too. I wanted more heat but alas could not find it. I happily covered myself with a blanket. To crawl in the oven might have been nice, but wo-es me, it was full of chicken!
Ok, I'm done. Have a good night!
I had a good weekend filled with Rich. There was a lot of Rich, I was very happy about all the Rich. I made a rotisserie chicken on Saturday and a oven roasted chicken today. Lots of Rich and chicken. There were string beans to be had and pasta for me. Unfortunately, there was a
It was a cold weekend and all through the day and night I wore fleece upon fleece holding myself tight. I wore shirt over shirt and pants over leggings socks with slippers and a scarf at times too. I wanted more heat but alas could not find it. I happily covered myself with a blanket. To crawl in the oven might have been nice, but wo-es me, it was full of chicken!
Ok, I'm done. Have a good night!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Hello All....
I'm sorry I haven't written in a few days. I did warn you though that it was going to be hard for me to maintain the blog everyday. You wouldn't think it would be so hard, but it is.
I just have not been feeling very creative lately. I haven't written anything. I feel very backed up actually. It's like creative constipation. I haven't taken any photographs and I haven't written... anything. My mystery story lies woefully unfinished. It's starting to depress me actually. I must have a first draft of my completed story by this time next week!
Moving on... My wedding dress is here. Ok, well, it's not here with me. However, it is at the store. After I drop off the final payment I can pick it up whenever I want. I'm not even going to try it on until at least next Friday. As for picking it up... I don't have a check for them right now, but aside from that, I'm not thrilled about the dress spending so many months in my little closet. I somehow didn't factor that into my expectations of weddings dresses and fittings. I thought there would be multiple fittings, three at least. Now that I think about it, it makes sense not to keep trying and altering the dress. That can't be good. There is a fitting 8-6 weeks before the wedding. Assuming I don't lose (or gain) any weight after that, it should all be good. I'm assuming I can always have some sort of last minute alteration if I have to, but frankly, my weight doesn't fluctuate all that much. I will attempt to lose weight, a little bit, in a few months. Until then, I think I am happy enough with myself.
Bridesmaids dresses. I have chosen the colors. Berry and Eggplant. I am letting my bridesmaids pick the style of the dress they want, I don't want to torture anyone. Imposing a color or two is bad enough. I'm just telling them that they must get the dress from Alfred Angelo so that the colors all match. I also told them I want them to get their shoes from Nina shoes. Style- Forbes. Color- Grape Luster. They are nice, the heel isn't too high, and they are comfortable. Also, it seems that Grape in Nina is basically the same color as Eggplant in Alfred Angelo, always nice.
Now if I can just find a time when we can all meet and look at dresses together....
I'm sorry I haven't written in a few days. I did warn you though that it was going to be hard for me to maintain the blog everyday. You wouldn't think it would be so hard, but it is.
I just have not been feeling very creative lately. I haven't written anything. I feel very backed up actually. It's like creative constipation. I haven't taken any photographs and I haven't written... anything. My mystery story lies woefully unfinished. It's starting to depress me actually. I must have a first draft of my completed story by this time next week!
Moving on... My wedding dress is here. Ok, well, it's not here with me. However, it is at the store. After I drop off the final payment I can pick it up whenever I want. I'm not even going to try it on until at least next Friday. As for picking it up... I don't have a check for them right now, but aside from that, I'm not thrilled about the dress spending so many months in my little closet. I somehow didn't factor that into my expectations of weddings dresses and fittings. I thought there would be multiple fittings, three at least. Now that I think about it, it makes sense not to keep trying and altering the dress. That can't be good. There is a fitting 8-6 weeks before the wedding. Assuming I don't lose (or gain) any weight after that, it should all be good. I'm assuming I can always have some sort of last minute alteration if I have to, but frankly, my weight doesn't fluctuate all that much. I will attempt to lose weight, a little bit, in a few months. Until then, I think I am happy enough with myself.
Bridesmaids dresses. I have chosen the colors. Berry and Eggplant. I am letting my bridesmaids pick the style of the dress they want, I don't want to torture anyone. Imposing a color or two is bad enough. I'm just telling them that they must get the dress from Alfred Angelo so that the colors all match. I also told them I want them to get their shoes from Nina shoes. Style- Forbes. Color- Grape Luster. They are nice, the heel isn't too high, and they are comfortable. Also, it seems that Grape in Nina is basically the same color as Eggplant in Alfred Angelo, always nice.
Now if I can just find a time when we can all meet and look at dresses together....
Sunday, January 16, 2011
It's about 2pm on Sunday. I am bored. I'm not only bored but somehow... drained. I feel like I've been drained of all my creative energy. I can't concentrate on anything long enough to do it. I cleaned, or neatened, my room yesterday, so I don't have to do that. I should be working on my story and looking for a job also.
I'm not sure I even have enough concentration to finish this blog entry.
One bird flew into a nest
Two birds sat on baby blue eggs
Three birds chirped hungrily, mouths open
Four birds flew south for the winter
One human went hunting
All the birds are dead.
Not sure where that came from. A little birdie told me?
I'm not sure I even have enough concentration to finish this blog entry.
One bird flew into a nest
Two birds sat on baby blue eggs
Three birds chirped hungrily, mouths open
Four birds flew south for the winter
One human went hunting
All the birds are dead.
Not sure where that came from. A little birdie told me?
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I bought wedding invitations today. I got them at Staples. I know what you're thinking. Really, they aren't that bad. They had some nice ones at Michael's, but... I would have ended up paying just as much for them there as I would have if I was going to hire someone to make them for me.
I plan to do this myself, with the help of some very helpful bridesmaids, whether they know it or not. They'll know soon enough. They are very plain, but I will spruce them up. They are ivory, with a gold rim. They go well with Westbury Manor decor. They come with a ivory ribbon, but i might buy something more colorful. I'm planning the writing to be purple and I think we'll stamp something wedding-ish on there also.
It should look ok. They were cheap enough that if I find something better I may get something else. I'm actually pretty excited about them though. This is starting to be real.
I plan to do this myself, with the help of some very helpful bridesmaids, whether they know it or not. They'll know soon enough. They are very plain, but I will spruce them up. They are ivory, with a gold rim. They go well with Westbury Manor decor. They come with a ivory ribbon, but i might buy something more colorful. I'm planning the writing to be purple and I think we'll stamp something wedding-ish on there also.
It should look ok. They were cheap enough that if I find something better I may get something else. I'm actually pretty excited about them though. This is starting to be real.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday was a very interesting day. My boss texted me late Wednesday night and asked if I could possibly come into work Thursday at 9:30am rather than 2:00pm. That would mean that I would be teaching from 9:30 to 6:00. I said sure. The she said she wasn't positive if I was going to need to come in. I said that I just needed to know before 8am on Thursday so that I would have time to get there.
Flash forward to Friday at 7:50am, I am not needed until my normal time. Ugh. So now I am having trouble falling back asleep. Woo! I got to work and found out that something bad had happened in the neighborhood, to a friend and co-worker the night before. She was attacked going home. I'm not going to get into it, but look, this is supposed to be a safe neighborhood! It's also been happening in my fiance's area, and his is also supposed to be a safe area. I know it's cliche, but what's the world coming to?!?!
Anyway, I taught my classes, nothing too exciting there. I stayed at the office until almost 7:00, an hour after I finish, because I was waiting for my fiance. We were going to have dinner together because we're not seeing each other this weekend. He and his father went to Gettysburg, Pa. They'll be back on Monday. So, Rich and I had dinner at Manor Oktoberfest. It's a German restaurant/ bar. If you like that type of thing it's pretty good. Unfortunately, it's not my favorite thing. It wasn't bad. I was freezing the entire time. I'm not sure if that's because it was really cold in there, or because I'm just a cold person. Either way, I had to huddle next to Rich just to keep my teeth from chattering.
We got back to my house and... nothing. We were trying to watch a horrible movie. Cop Out. Bruce Willis and Tracey Morgan. I do not recommend (it wasn't my idea to begin with, shhhh, don't tell Rich). Rich fell asleep in the middle, which is ok, because I wanted to change the channel, hehe. I ended up flipping channels until he woke up. Then we talked until he had to go home. He said he was sooo tired. Apparently, Rich was so tired that when he got home he did work. He stayed up until 5:40am working on his research. 5:40 AM! At which point he texted me. So, I was woken up again. I think I would have rather he called me. Less jarring maybe. I don't know. I know I shouldn't be angry at him for staying up so late, or early, but he was driving to PA today! I mean, sheesh!
I had work today, so I had to be up at 8am anyway. I never really fell back asleep after the texting. So, I've been up since about 6am. I know that isn't crazy early, I understand that. However, since I do not wake up early unless I have to... that is early for me. I went to work. Co-taught 3 classes. Then I went home. I was supposed to meet up with a friend, but he had to cancel. I was so tired that it worked out. I would have fallen asleep.
I just came home and made lunch. Then I really did fall asleep. Very exciting, I know. I had shabbat dinner with my mother and step father. It was fine. Same as usual. Salmon.
I'm tired again, so I'm going to go lie down.
Flash forward to Friday at 7:50am, I am not needed until my normal time. Ugh. So now I am having trouble falling back asleep. Woo! I got to work and found out that something bad had happened in the neighborhood, to a friend and co-worker the night before. She was attacked going home. I'm not going to get into it, but look, this is supposed to be a safe neighborhood! It's also been happening in my fiance's area, and his is also supposed to be a safe area. I know it's cliche, but what's the world coming to?!?!
Anyway, I taught my classes, nothing too exciting there. I stayed at the office until almost 7:00, an hour after I finish, because I was waiting for my fiance. We were going to have dinner together because we're not seeing each other this weekend. He and his father went to Gettysburg, Pa. They'll be back on Monday. So, Rich and I had dinner at Manor Oktoberfest. It's a German restaurant/ bar. If you like that type of thing it's pretty good. Unfortunately, it's not my favorite thing. It wasn't bad. I was freezing the entire time. I'm not sure if that's because it was really cold in there, or because I'm just a cold person. Either way, I had to huddle next to Rich just to keep my teeth from chattering.
We got back to my house and... nothing. We were trying to watch a horrible movie. Cop Out. Bruce Willis and Tracey Morgan. I do not recommend (it wasn't my idea to begin with, shhhh, don't tell Rich). Rich fell asleep in the middle, which is ok, because I wanted to change the channel, hehe. I ended up flipping channels until he woke up. Then we talked until he had to go home. He said he was sooo tired. Apparently, Rich was so tired that when he got home he did work. He stayed up until 5:40am working on his research. 5:40 AM! At which point he texted me. So, I was woken up again. I think I would have rather he called me. Less jarring maybe. I don't know. I know I shouldn't be angry at him for staying up so late, or early, but he was driving to PA today! I mean, sheesh!
I had work today, so I had to be up at 8am anyway. I never really fell back asleep after the texting. So, I've been up since about 6am. I know that isn't crazy early, I understand that. However, since I do not wake up early unless I have to... that is early for me. I went to work. Co-taught 3 classes. Then I went home. I was supposed to meet up with a friend, but he had to cancel. I was so tired that it worked out. I would have fallen asleep.
I just came home and made lunch. Then I really did fall asleep. Very exciting, I know. I had shabbat dinner with my mother and step father. It was fine. Same as usual. Salmon.
I'm tired again, so I'm going to go lie down.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
You know the by who cried wolf? Well today was the weatherman who cried storm. Yes, it did snow. It snowed a few inches. It was annoying. People had to shovel, people had to dig around their cars, plows were called out, salt was put down. There was not over a foot of snow, schools were not closed. We were expecting this to be a lot worse. It was however quite cold. I was cold. I was wearing a tank top, a long sleeved shirt, a heavy sweatshirt, jeans, tights under my jeans, waterproof snow boots, lined leather gloves, and a ski jacket along with two hoods on my head. Did I mention I was cold? I think it had more to do with the wind than the actual temperature.
When there is a cold wind, any wind really, I tear. I tear a lot. I look like I'm hysterical. My face gets so cold from the constant tears and there is nothing I can do about it.
Did I mention that I was in the city for the second day in the row? I don't like the city, it's crowded, dirty, and you have to do a lot of walking. I normally do a lot of walking, maybe it just feels like more when you're walking down straight block after block rather than turning and walking through slightly rural areas. I don't mind the walking, I don't. My legs hurt! I overstretched on Monday and walked around all day in the city yesterday and today. I AM TIRED!!!
I met my friend D....... in Union Square today. We were on the hunt for various makeup things. We went in and out of many a Duane Reade and CVS. I don't mind. I found some stuff 75% off. That's always fun.
I am just very tired and do not have the energy to write more today. I need a project to keep myself occupied. I am writing a story, maybe I should attempt to write about two pages a day, if not more, everyday and post it. My story is about my cat. It's a detective story in which the main character is a feline, and a private dick. It is his job to solve the mystery of the stolen statue and the missing neighbor. I need to start working on it again.....
When there is a cold wind, any wind really, I tear. I tear a lot. I look like I'm hysterical. My face gets so cold from the constant tears and there is nothing I can do about it.
Did I mention that I was in the city for the second day in the row? I don't like the city, it's crowded, dirty, and you have to do a lot of walking. I normally do a lot of walking, maybe it just feels like more when you're walking down straight block after block rather than turning and walking through slightly rural areas. I don't mind the walking, I don't. My legs hurt! I overstretched on Monday and walked around all day in the city yesterday and today. I AM TIRED!!!
I met my friend D....... in Union Square today. We were on the hunt for various makeup things. We went in and out of many a Duane Reade and CVS. I don't mind. I found some stuff 75% off. That's always fun.
I am just very tired and do not have the energy to write more today. I need a project to keep myself occupied. I am writing a story, maybe I should attempt to write about two pages a day, if not more, everyday and post it. My story is about my cat. It's a detective story in which the main character is a feline, and a private dick. It is his job to solve the mystery of the stolen statue and the missing neighbor. I need to start working on it again.....
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I made my first trip to Roosevelt Island today. Don't worry, it's not a tropical paradise. Nothing you can reach by subway could ever be a tropical paradise. It's like Sim City come to reality. It is so, planned. I don't know how to describe it. The whole town gave me a surreal feeling. There were almost no people to speak of. There was this one older guy that was following us, not in a completely creepy way, just annoying. "Are you looking for me?" Dude, nobody is looking for you.
The architecture there was interesting. The whole area gave the impression of grayness even though there were bright colors everywhere. RED, YELLOW, ORANGE. It was such an odd town. Considering it is so close to Manhattan (one stop away on the F train) I was expecting for it to be more... city like. Instead is reminded me of a cross between Boston, if it were a ghost town, and some towns in Connecticut. There were huge apartment buildings all interconnected on the outside, with courtyard type things. It's very hard to describe. There were heads of decorative cabbage all over the damn place. I really hate that stuff. It's just a useless vegetable that someone once decided was pretty. Sure it can stand up to the cold weather, but who wants to look at it!
The architecture there was interesting. The whole area gave the impression of grayness even though there were bright colors everywhere. RED, YELLOW, ORANGE. It was such an odd town. Considering it is so close to Manhattan (one stop away on the F train) I was expecting for it to be more... city like. Instead is reminded me of a cross between Boston, if it were a ghost town, and some towns in Connecticut. There were huge apartment buildings all interconnected on the outside, with courtyard type things. It's very hard to describe. There were heads of decorative cabbage all over the damn place. I really hate that stuff. It's just a useless vegetable that someone once decided was pretty. Sure it can stand up to the cold weather, but who wants to look at it!
I saw my first black squirrels since Jr. High School, over ten years ago. I really love squirrels. I know most people don't like rodents, but they are just so darn cute. I took pictures of them eating french fries. Even the American squirrels love McDonald's.
J...... and I left Roosevelt Island by tram. It was my first time on that particular tram. I think I was on one once in California six or seven years ago. They are pretty cool. Travel above everything, see the world from a different perspective.
After we got off the tram, we went to get some lunch and then walked to Bloomingdales. I'm looking for table linens for the wedding. I was just curious how much they would cost. Let's just say that I will not be buying linens from Bloomingdales anytime soon. I have no interest in spending real money on something that I would almost never use. Have you noticed that in the everyday world people almost never use tablecloths anymore? If you sit down to a fancy dinner, one might show up. If you go to a very expensive restaurant you will almost definitely find one. Other than that... they're gone.
We ended up sitting in Bloomingdales for a long time, on a nice couch and on one of the famed Eames chairs. I love those things. We eventually headed back to Queens and parted ways. It was a good day, just exhausting. My legs hurt. I over stretched yesterday and did a lot of walking today. We really liked a pair of earrings that would look very nice for the wedding, for the bridesmaids. They didn't have enough of them though. Too bad. Whatcha think?
Now I'm sitting here waiting for the snow to hit. Combining today and tomorrow we are supposed to get about a foot (more) of snow. Frankly, I don't really think I have the patience to be snowed in again. I like being able to open my door in the morning, I'm funny like that. Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes. I'm sure there will be pictures involved.
Monday, January 10, 2011
The continuing saga of the wedding...
The centerpieces... This is what I received from one of the florists I talked to:
"These fifteen (15) table displays will be a combination of florals, water, & candle light, illuminating your venue creating a beautiful romantic atmosphere. Each table will have four (3) clear glass cylinders with clear crystals lining the bottom of each cylinder. I will use cylinders in staggered heights of 24inches, 18inches, and 12 inches. Inside of each cylinder will be a floral display of Two-toned Purple & White Dendrobian orchids. All of these cylinders will be filled with water submerging all flowers. We will then place a floating candle in each of these cylinders. At the base of each arrangement, I will place three (3) small 4 inch cylinder vases at the base of each large cylinder. These smaller cylinder vases will also be lined with clear crystals, filled with water, & have a floating candle in each one. We will then scatter Dendrobian Orchid heads & Purple rose petals around this display completing your tables design."
I've also got to worry about the bouquets for me and the bridesmaids. There are ideas floating around.
This is my ideal color scheme. I just love the way these colors look together. I think the idea is sophisticated and not boring. It's not your traditional ivory and red. I love those colors too, I just think they've been over done. Also, since my wedding is in August I wanted something more... colorful. Don't get me wrong, there will be ivory hanging around in places and there will be a touch of gold here and there. There will be more blue than chartreuse, just because I think that hints of chartreuse are more flattering than too much of the color. The bridesmaids will be wearing purple dresses in the style of their choosing. I don't think I can make everybody wear the same exact dress, it just won't work for their different body shapes. I need to get them all to come with me so I can see how the different dresses will look on their bodies. My cousin needs to get her dress rather soon because she needs to have it altered, no matter which dress she gets. She's orthodox, so she needs her collar bone, her elbows, and her knees to be covered. The other bridesmaids are not going to have the same restrictions.
Since I have nothing else to say about my wedding at the moment I will venture to speak about my day instead. I went to work today. It doesn't seem like a major feet, I am aware. I haven't been working steadily for three weeks because the fall session ended before Christmas and the winter session just started this past Sunday. I worked a little bit in between, but like I said, it wasn't steady. Not that my work schedule is too steady to begin with. I only work on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and sometimes Sunday.
I need more work. I would like to be a writer, a published writer. In lieu of that I have been looking into publishing/editing. I graduated from Queens College in 2010 (finally!) with a B.A. in English. If I go for a M.A., I think it will be in children's literature. I don't have any very lucrative job ambitions, do I? Eventually, I would love to own a cafe, but I see that as more of a goal for later life. If I could just find a full time job now, doing something that involves writing on some level I would be thrilled.
Anyway... My day. I taught one nursery gym class in the afternoon. The kids really aren't bad. Most of them are sweet. Usually, when you hear about a teacher not liking his or her job, it's not because of the kids, it's because of the system, the administration or the constant testing that has to be done. I used to want to go into education, teach in a high school, try to help the masses learn how to analyze literature and learn correct grammar through creative writing. I think it's a good idea and something that is greatly lacking in most high schools. If children don't read, and they don't write, how exactly are they supposed to learn how to put a sentence together? How are they supposed to get jobs later in life? It's just something that bothers me. Since I can't stand what Bloomberg is doing to our school system, I refuse to be part of it. Maybe if I move to another state I would go into teaching, but not in NYC.
What I was trying to say about my nursery class, is that it is not the students which bother me. The head teacher for the class really gets under my skin. She thinks she is right about everything all the time! It drives me crazy, especially because she has a tendency to be wrong. If I am showing the kids how to do something, a new stretch, how to dribble, how to do a forward roll, she takes over. If I'm showing them how to do something one way, she sneaks up behind me, startles me, and shows them how to do the same thing the wrong way. She is the ultimate control freak, and trust me, I've met my fair share of control freaks. Her taking over my class on a semi regular basis is bad enough, but her perfume just makes it that much more torturous. She wears so much of it! It's cloying. It snakes its way up your nose, grabs hold of the hairs in there and pulls, making you sneeze. It's truly disgusting.
My later two classes which I co-teach with two other people were fine. Nothing overly stimulating there. Stretching, flipping, jumping, twirling... it's a gymnastics class. There is one student who drives me up the wall, M. She is overactive to say the least and she takes pride in being annoying. I must say she does annoying very well. The animal noises, the screaming, the jumping up in your face, it's all just lovely, really. She and her sister also fart every time they do a flip. I'm not sure what causes this, but it must be something in their diet. It's just not something one can ever get used to. I mean, I have to touch these people, and my face is very often close by to their lower half, especially if they are upside down. I understand farting is something that cannot be controlled. I do not blame the children, I just wish I wasn't always the one to receive the farts. Oh well.
My father picked me up from work, we went to buy cat food, for the cat. We ended up eating at Mike's Pizzeria for dinner. I got spaghetti and meatballs. What can I say, I guess I'm a kid at heart. It was a good way to end the day.
Now, I am watching Star Trek: First Contact. After an in depth discussion about Star Trek with my father I was thrilled to find Star Trek on T.V.
Have a good night cyber people, I must return to my geeky ways.
The centerpieces... This is what I received from one of the florists I talked to:
"These fifteen (15) table displays will be a combination of florals, water, & candle light, illuminating your venue creating a beautiful romantic atmosphere. Each table will have four (3) clear glass cylinders with clear crystals lining the bottom of each cylinder. I will use cylinders in staggered heights of 24inches, 18inches, and 12 inches. Inside of each cylinder will be a floral display of Two-toned Purple & White Dendrobian orchids. All of these cylinders will be filled with water submerging all flowers. We will then place a floating candle in each of these cylinders. At the base of each arrangement, I will place three (3) small 4 inch cylinder vases at the base of each large cylinder. These smaller cylinder vases will also be lined with clear crystals, filled with water, & have a floating candle in each one. We will then scatter Dendrobian Orchid heads & Purple rose petals around this display completing your tables design."
I've also got to worry about the bouquets for me and the bridesmaids. There are ideas floating around.
This is my ideal color scheme. I just love the way these colors look together. I think the idea is sophisticated and not boring. It's not your traditional ivory and red. I love those colors too, I just think they've been over done. Also, since my wedding is in August I wanted something more... colorful. Don't get me wrong, there will be ivory hanging around in places and there will be a touch of gold here and there. There will be more blue than chartreuse, just because I think that hints of chartreuse are more flattering than too much of the color. The bridesmaids will be wearing purple dresses in the style of their choosing. I don't think I can make everybody wear the same exact dress, it just won't work for their different body shapes. I need to get them all to come with me so I can see how the different dresses will look on their bodies. My cousin needs to get her dress rather soon because she needs to have it altered, no matter which dress she gets. She's orthodox, so she needs her collar bone, her elbows, and her knees to be covered. The other bridesmaids are not going to have the same restrictions.
Since I have nothing else to say about my wedding at the moment I will venture to speak about my day instead. I went to work today. It doesn't seem like a major feet, I am aware. I haven't been working steadily for three weeks because the fall session ended before Christmas and the winter session just started this past Sunday. I worked a little bit in between, but like I said, it wasn't steady. Not that my work schedule is too steady to begin with. I only work on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and sometimes Sunday.
I need more work. I would like to be a writer, a published writer. In lieu of that I have been looking into publishing/editing. I graduated from Queens College in 2010 (finally!) with a B.A. in English. If I go for a M.A., I think it will be in children's literature. I don't have any very lucrative job ambitions, do I? Eventually, I would love to own a cafe, but I see that as more of a goal for later life. If I could just find a full time job now, doing something that involves writing on some level I would be thrilled.
Anyway... My day. I taught one nursery gym class in the afternoon. The kids really aren't bad. Most of them are sweet. Usually, when you hear about a teacher not liking his or her job, it's not because of the kids, it's because of the system, the administration or the constant testing that has to be done. I used to want to go into education, teach in a high school, try to help the masses learn how to analyze literature and learn correct grammar through creative writing. I think it's a good idea and something that is greatly lacking in most high schools. If children don't read, and they don't write, how exactly are they supposed to learn how to put a sentence together? How are they supposed to get jobs later in life? It's just something that bothers me. Since I can't stand what Bloomberg is doing to our school system, I refuse to be part of it. Maybe if I move to another state I would go into teaching, but not in NYC.
What I was trying to say about my nursery class, is that it is not the students which bother me. The head teacher for the class really gets under my skin. She thinks she is right about everything all the time! It drives me crazy, especially because she has a tendency to be wrong. If I am showing the kids how to do something, a new stretch, how to dribble, how to do a forward roll, she takes over. If I'm showing them how to do something one way, she sneaks up behind me, startles me, and shows them how to do the same thing the wrong way. She is the ultimate control freak, and trust me, I've met my fair share of control freaks. Her taking over my class on a semi regular basis is bad enough, but her perfume just makes it that much more torturous. She wears so much of it! It's cloying. It snakes its way up your nose, grabs hold of the hairs in there and pulls, making you sneeze. It's truly disgusting.
My later two classes which I co-teach with two other people were fine. Nothing overly stimulating there. Stretching, flipping, jumping, twirling... it's a gymnastics class. There is one student who drives me up the wall, M. She is overactive to say the least and she takes pride in being annoying. I must say she does annoying very well. The animal noises, the screaming, the jumping up in your face, it's all just lovely, really. She and her sister also fart every time they do a flip. I'm not sure what causes this, but it must be something in their diet. It's just not something one can ever get used to. I mean, I have to touch these people, and my face is very often close by to their lower half, especially if they are upside down. I understand farting is something that cannot be controlled. I do not blame the children, I just wish I wasn't always the one to receive the farts. Oh well.
My father picked me up from work, we went to buy cat food, for the cat. We ended up eating at Mike's Pizzeria for dinner. I got spaghetti and meatballs. What can I say, I guess I'm a kid at heart. It was a good way to end the day.
Now, I am watching Star Trek: First Contact. After an in depth discussion about Star Trek with my father I was thrilled to find Star Trek on T.V.
Have a good night cyber people, I must return to my geeky ways.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
It seems I have managed not to post anything since 2008. That was wrong of me, I apologize. I would love to post everyday and tell you all that I do plan to post everyday, but somehow I don't see myself keeping that promise. Don't give up hope though, it might happen...
Since 2008 I've gotten engaged to Rich, by boyfriend from previous posts. We're getting married this year (THIS YEAR!), in August. The date is coming up fast and there is a lot to do. I've picked the dress, bought the dress, now I'm waiting for the dress. First fitting, WOO!!! You'd think I would be trying to lose weight. I'm not working on that too well yet. It's not like I'm gaining weight, I would like to lose about 15lbs, just fot the occasion. I also need to strengthen my back, get more definition and lose general flab. So far to accomplish all this I've drunk a case of coke over the last two weeks. That doesn't mean that when I'm not home I don't drink coke by the way. I am also eating m&m's. Not the healthiest diet ever. My goal until August is to drastically cut the amount of soda I take in. I'm not going to buy it for the house anymore and I'm going to order seltzer when I go to restaurants as much as I can stand. I'm still going to have an occasional coke, maybe with Chinese food or pizza. For some reason when I eat those two foods I need a coke, NEED, a coke. It cuts the grease I guess. Let's just face it, Coke makes the world go 'round.
I've gotten my dress. Done. Check.
I've picked and booked the venue (Westbury Manor). Done. Check.
I've... That's it. I am still in need of a photographer/videographer, florist, and D.J. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I haven't been looking. I think I've found the D.J. that I want, Bravura Entertainment ( They are really nice and frankly, I just like them. I've seen/met with five different photographers and spoken to many more. The problem is that, as I'm sure you know, photography is the second most expensive thing for your wedding. I don't want to pay that much for a service I am not thrilled with. I have taken photography classes, I know what a good picture is, and I know what style I like. I don't want everything to be posed. I want some spontaneity in the photographs. Sometimes the best pictures aren't planned and I'd like the photographer I choose to believe that as much as I do. I'm not saying that I don't want some posed pictures for my wedding. I want all the traditional stuff, I just would like a more photojournalistic approach. They all tell me they can do this, then they show me their albums. Posed, posed, posed, posed, and posed. I think the best deal I'm going to get is from The Wedding Box in Flushing. They offer a package that includes every service you could want. You can rent your bridal gown from them, the guys can rent their tuxes, 8 hour limo service, make up and hair for the bride and the bridal party, oh, and of course the photography and videography. I actually really like their videography, the photography is ok, it's better than some of the photographers I've seen. It's not exactly what I want, but I'm starting to think what I want doesn't really exist. I don't want to take part of all their services, but I wouldn't mind getting a trial for the hair and make up.
As far as the florist goes... I am not especially into flowers, but I'd still like a nice arrangement. My colors are: chartreuse, a darkish purple (not completely sure on the shade yet), and royal blue. My flowers will reflect that. I like the look of submergeable flowers, orchids for the most part.

I'll talk more about my arrangement later. It's actually time for me to go to bed. I've forgotten how much I enjoy writing in my blog. I'll be sure to keep it up.
Since 2008 I've gotten engaged to Rich, by boyfriend from previous posts. We're getting married this year (THIS YEAR!), in August. The date is coming up fast and there is a lot to do. I've picked the dress, bought the dress, now I'm waiting for the dress. First fitting, WOO!!! You'd think I would be trying to lose weight. I'm not working on that too well yet. It's not like I'm gaining weight, I would like to lose about 15lbs, just fot the occasion. I also need to strengthen my back, get more definition and lose general flab. So far to accomplish all this I've drunk a case of coke over the last two weeks. That doesn't mean that when I'm not home I don't drink coke by the way. I am also eating m&m's. Not the healthiest diet ever. My goal until August is to drastically cut the amount of soda I take in. I'm not going to buy it for the house anymore and I'm going to order seltzer when I go to restaurants as much as I can stand. I'm still going to have an occasional coke, maybe with Chinese food or pizza. For some reason when I eat those two foods I need a coke, NEED, a coke. It cuts the grease I guess. Let's just face it, Coke makes the world go 'round.
I've gotten my dress. Done. Check.
I've picked and booked the venue (Westbury Manor). Done. Check.
I've... That's it. I am still in need of a photographer/videographer, florist, and D.J. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I haven't been looking. I think I've found the D.J. that I want, Bravura Entertainment ( They are really nice and frankly, I just like them. I've seen/met with five different photographers and spoken to many more. The problem is that, as I'm sure you know, photography is the second most expensive thing for your wedding. I don't want to pay that much for a service I am not thrilled with. I have taken photography classes, I know what a good picture is, and I know what style I like. I don't want everything to be posed. I want some spontaneity in the photographs. Sometimes the best pictures aren't planned and I'd like the photographer I choose to believe that as much as I do. I'm not saying that I don't want some posed pictures for my wedding. I want all the traditional stuff, I just would like a more photojournalistic approach. They all tell me they can do this, then they show me their albums. Posed, posed, posed, posed, and posed. I think the best deal I'm going to get is from The Wedding Box in Flushing. They offer a package that includes every service you could want. You can rent your bridal gown from them, the guys can rent their tuxes, 8 hour limo service, make up and hair for the bride and the bridal party, oh, and of course the photography and videography. I actually really like their videography, the photography is ok, it's better than some of the photographers I've seen. It's not exactly what I want, but I'm starting to think what I want doesn't really exist. I don't want to take part of all their services, but I wouldn't mind getting a trial for the hair and make up.
As far as the florist goes... I am not especially into flowers, but I'd still like a nice arrangement. My colors are: chartreuse, a darkish purple (not completely sure on the shade yet), and royal blue. My flowers will reflect that. I like the look of submergeable flowers, orchids for the most part.

I'll talk more about my arrangement later. It's actually time for me to go to bed. I've forgotten how much I enjoy writing in my blog. I'll be sure to keep it up.
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