The architecture there was interesting. The whole area gave the impression of grayness even though there were bright colors everywhere. RED, YELLOW, ORANGE. It was such an odd town. Considering it is so close to Manhattan (one stop away on the F train) I was expecting for it to be more... city like. Instead is reminded me of a cross between Boston, if it were a ghost town, and some towns in Connecticut. There were huge apartment buildings all interconnected on the outside, with courtyard type things. It's very hard to describe. There were heads of decorative cabbage all over the damn place. I really hate that stuff. It's just a useless vegetable that someone once decided was pretty. Sure it can stand up to the cold weather, but who wants to look at it!
I saw my first black squirrels since Jr. High School, over ten years ago. I really love squirrels. I know most people don't like rodents, but they are just so darn cute. I took pictures of them eating french fries. Even the American squirrels love McDonald's.
J...... and I left Roosevelt Island by tram. It was my first time on that particular tram. I think I was on one once in California six or seven years ago. They are pretty cool. Travel above everything, see the world from a different perspective.
After we got off the tram, we went to get some lunch and then walked to Bloomingdales. I'm looking for table linens for the wedding. I was just curious how much they would cost. Let's just say that I will not be buying linens from Bloomingdales anytime soon. I have no interest in spending real money on something that I would almost never use. Have you noticed that in the everyday world people almost never use tablecloths anymore? If you sit down to a fancy dinner, one might show up. If you go to a very expensive restaurant you will almost definitely find one. Other than that... they're gone.
We ended up sitting in Bloomingdales for a long time, on a nice couch and on one of the famed Eames chairs. I love those things. We eventually headed back to Queens and parted ways. It was a good day, just exhausting. My legs hurt. I over stretched yesterday and did a lot of walking today. We really liked a pair of earrings that would look very nice for the wedding, for the bridesmaids. They didn't have enough of them though. Too bad. Whatcha think?
Now I'm sitting here waiting for the snow to hit. Combining today and tomorrow we are supposed to get about a foot (more) of snow. Frankly, I don't really think I have the patience to be snowed in again. I like being able to open my door in the morning, I'm funny like that. Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes. I'm sure there will be pictures involved.
I like how the earing look on Julissa, but mostly likely they would look to big on my puny little face.
I don't know. They looked kinda bog on me.. but somehow I think you would better be able to pull it off. Doesn't matter really, I didn't get them.
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