Yesterday was a long day. I was working at the desk again, but I was also teaching gym classes. I was exhausted before my classes even began. My first class, of three year old's was insane. They ran around like maniacs. I think everyone is so cooped up because of the weather that they are stir crazy. Normally, for gymnastics class on Thursday there is me plus an assistant. Yesterday, there was me and 3 other people. Keep in mind there are only about six kids in this class. They were truly crazy yesterday.
The second class was a little bit better. It started with three kids and doubled in size by the end. The problem with that is that all the kids are on different levels and they are coming in at different times. So, the class becomes a little disorganized every time someone new comes into the room, it's fun.
I bought myself kraft microwaveable mac and cheese and ate that for dinner. It was alright. I prefer the stove top version, but I had another microwave one today for lunch. At least it's convenient.
Today's Montessori classes were fun. We were teaching (I was learning) how to juggle and I was teaching plate spinning. Who knew gym class could be fun without large balls flying at your face? MEEEE!!!
Tomorrow Rich, his parents, and I have an appointment with a florist and a photography package place. This place has a package that includes EVERYTHING! We'll see what they can do. Hopefully, we will book at least one of them. I'll let you know how it goes.
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