Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So far I've been rejected from one job today and my resume is pending with another.  Should I be hopeful?

I can't answer that.  I'm trying to keep my head up.  Actually, getting a reply at all is progress.  I should be thrilled.

Mostly, I am not feeling very well today.  I just have a cold.  I could be perfectly functional if I had to, and since I'm going to work tomorrow I will be.

I've been thinking about the summer and the warm weather and yearning for it.  I've even been thinking about the beach lately, which is amazing considering that I don't even like the beach.  I just want to feel the warmth on my skin, the sun shining on my head.  I want to feel... warm and relaxed.  I've been thinking that in a few months I will be married.  I want to start my life already.  I really do love him.  Sun, warmth, beach, Rich.

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