Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rich and I registered today at Bed, Bath, & Beyond.  The beyond is where they really get you.  They could stick just about anything in that store and it would make sense because of the "beyond."

Anyway, we picked all of our kitchen stuff that we can think of.  We picked a set of everyday dinnerware and a set of fancy, but not too fancy dinnerware.  I actually really like both sets.  Accordingly, we picked proper flatware for each set.  What I'm not too sure about is registering for things like bedding.  We don't have a bed yet.  We don't know what size it will be.  The same goes for the bathroom.  I picked towels, but we don't know where we're going to live, so it's hard for me to envision towels in a bathroom I've never seen.  I guess I just need to pick a color theme and go with it.

As for living room?  We need furniture, not registry type stuff, so I guess that's taken care of.  I didn't even know that people COULD register at Bed, Bath, & Beyond until last Sunday.  I always assumed I would register at Macy's, or something like that.  However, BB&B has a lot of stuff that I like and the prices are better.  They also give those 20% off coupons so people can save money.  I've been infatuated with the store for years anyway, it's perfect!

I gotta go to sleep.  It was a long day.  Registering is fun, but it's also exhausting and somewhat overwhelming.  I've always wanted to scan items, now I've done it!  I can also do it every time I go to Stop & Shop, soo..... it's not as special as it used to be, but..... it was still fun.

Off to work in the morning!  Sleepy time!

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