Friday, March 31, 2006

I just got a comment from a person I didn't know, perhaps a fellow blogger, I don't know. To him and to everybody else who may view my blog, I do not watch porn, and am in no way interested in free pornography. Thank you and have very nice day. I suggest porn to pass your time, lol.

Now, I realize I haven't posted anything in a while. Let's see what I have to say... Yesterday was my best friends birthday. She turned 18. She walked around telling everybody she was an emancipated minor, lol. Most people didn't know what she was talking about, it was funny. I was at work yesterday, but when I left I forgot my paycheck. So later I had my friend come back to work with me so I could pick it up. She used to work there also, so we ran into everybody that we knew and stopped to have little conversations with them. I think we ended up being there for at least 45 minutes, maybe an hour. It was kind of funny actually. These people, I see them all the time. I don't need to have conversations with them when I just pop in to pick something up. My friend however, hasn't seen these people since maybe early January, so she had to catch up, and of course tell them she was older now, legal even ^.^. Hahaha. For some reason, people kept asking her if she was smoking
hashish. I'm not sure why they were teasing her with that particular drug, but hey, it was funny, : - p

Anyway... I got her a hand free cell phone gadget, and a box. The box is something to put some thoughts and words into, it's like a box of diary entries, stuff like that. She'll like it : - ).

Ttyl, please remember, NO PORNOGRAPHY!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just a few words before I got to sleep. I moved back home yesterday. Finally. My house is still undergoing various renovations, but my room is back up and running, or it will be when I finish placing everything. I'm sitting here typing at my desk, which is something I have never done before, lol. I usually reserve all my work/ writing, to my bed, or the couch, lol. I'm about to go to sleep. I have to wake up early, go to school, then go to work. Maybe tomorrow I'll write about my day today, work wise.

I forget my point... Ahh yes, I've moved back home. Everything is not as it should be. Since there are still renovations going on, there is still dust in the house and I am still allergic to it. So, I'm walking around sneezing/coughing/wheezing, but hey, at least I'm home sleeping in my own bed. Oh, bed, what a dream...

Sleep I shall not forsake thee. I bid thee farethee well my faithful bloggers, to sleep I go.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Well, I got my sociology midterm back today. I did better than I thought I would, which means I passed, yay! I had an in class essay today in English, I think I eeked out a decent essay. I'll find out. It doesn't really matter considering it's the first draft in a two part essay, I get to tweak it after I get it back.

That's pretty much all I did today.

My cat woke me up this morning around 8:00am. How? By spilling a glass of water on me. Cold water. I was really angry. Do I really need to wake up like that? Water all over the bed, all over me. Picture it, lovely. Oy.

Meanwhile, somebody really had a, shall we say, odor, on the subway. I mean, it was bad. This person made me want to wretch. I have nothing else to say about that, or anything for that matter.

Dos Vidanya!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Heya eople'pay. ow'Hay are'pay ou'yay oing'day? I'm doing well enough I suppose. Good actually. I don't know. I generally feel like I'm wasting my time a lot. I need to study, but I don't really want to, so I don't. The only time I don't think I'm wasting time, is when I'm with my boyfriend. I know that sounds tremendously corny, but I don't care at the moment. I live from one day to the next, or I try to, I've always done that. Now I feel like I'm not really DOING anything unless I'm with him, if you know what I mean. My days tend not to be especially productive anyway, but lately they have been completely lackluster. I haven't seen my friends in a while, and I don't have work this week, so I am basically just sitting around the house unless I'm with my boyfriend or in school. I think, just for lack of anything better to do I'm going to go work out tomorrow, after school hopefully, maybe before instead, I don't know. This is what is known as stream of consciousness writing. I have nothing planned to say, I just say what pops into my head, you should try it sometime, it can be very telling, it tells you how you really feel about things. I love my boyfriend, that's what's been on my mind lately. At first I wasn't sure I did, just because I've never been in love before, but I realized maybe for the first time last Saturday that I REALLY do love him. He is the sweetest most understating person, maybe that I've ever met. He loves me, and he cares about me. I am totally un-used to that. I am treated, even by the people that love me, poorly sometimes. As I'm sure I treat them poorly sometimes. This is just a completely different kind of love all together. I love him, and I care about him, more so than I have ever cared about anyone before. I am very lucky, very fortunate, to have him in my life, and I don't want to lose him. He makes me smile and he makes me laugh, he is understanding, he's gentle. Basically, I love him.

Friday, March 17, 2006


Ok, I'm not Irish, nor do I have any Irish pride. However, might as well wish you all a happy day.

Anyway... Speaking of St. Patty's Day I don't know what was going on near near my school today, I have no idea. I was walking back to the subway after class and all these firefighters and bunches of people wearing green, were just crowding everywhere, not moving, it was really hard to walk through them. Not mention, half of them were, shall we say, inebriated. So as I was wading through the people, I kept being stared at by drunken passerbys, lovely. My teacher let us out early today, she said avoid the drunk, and she added as an after thought, avoid gangs also, lol. I'm sitting there thinking, 'umm.... duhh!'

Anyway, today I had my urban sociology midterm. I have never written an entire blue book full of complete crap before, I bull shit through the whole thing, which by the way, everybody else did too. I started talking about the pigs in Manhattan in the early Industrial period, not sure what made me do that, it had very little to do with my point. Actually, I'm not sure I had a point, lol. Oh boy. Can't wait to see if I get a C or lower. I guess I'll find out soon. Yippee!!!

I have nothing further to render, and I say anyway too much. So, I'm going to sign off. Going to dinner soon with my mom and stepdad, wonder where we're going to go...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

So today at work I flipped a lot of children. I didn't flip them off, but I did flip them over. The other gymnastics teacher hooked the kids up to this belt contraption with straps coming out of it. We had them doing back-handsprings from the trampoline onto a mat. Instead of carrying their full weight, we strapped this belt thing to them and they flipped backwards while we pulled on the straps. It was pretty cool actually. I had to demonstrate a few times, minus the belt. I haven't done one of those things in like 5 years. It was cool. I also suggested that we start doing combinations with the kids. Since we're doing back-handsprings anyway, they are made for coming after round-offs. So, to clarify, we're going to be doing round-off pop back-handsprings. For those of you who have no freak'n clue what I'm talking about, just bear with me a little longer while I tell you what happened on the train this morning.

Ok, so I was riding the F train to school this morning as per usual. The train stopped at Roosevelt Ave. and an announcement came over the loud speaker. 'Um, someone was assaulted on the platform a little while ago, there will be police arriving and an investigation going on. There is a V train across the platform going to... Coming shortly will be another F train running on the local line if you want to transfer over.' So, I was thinking to myself, why are you people announcing this? I mean, I know I didn't beat anyone up, but no one else does. I could be the attacker, I could be standing next to the attacker. Don't you want everybody on the train to stay put so that the police can catch the person? If this is how our safety is being monitored I'd say, be scared, very scared. That's really all I have to say now. My final comment on this: WOW! Oh the stupidity. Damn, we're doomed.

Ok, I'm done, I promise. Ti muneh neravishseh (I like you). Bye for now people!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

So, what's new with me you ask? Not very much. I have mindterms coming up, I'm very excited about that, truly, madly, deeply (I like that song). I've come to a few realizations recently: I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I've been thinking again about being a teacher. I don't like the pay of the New York City school system, or the lack of respect teachers get. However, maybe it's my true calling, so to speak. I'm still thinking of being a child psychologist, but I'm not sure. I do spend time wondering why people do things, what's going through their minds, which is why I wanted to be a psychologist to begin with. I'm not sure I have the correct mentality for it though. I am not the most caring of people. I mean I am caring to an extent, but perhaps not to the extent that I would need to be. Also, in my personality, is the capacity to be empathetic, not just sympathetic. So hearing all those sob stories, might eventually drive me crazy, if not literally, close to it. I know that's very oxymoronic by the way, me not being caring enough and empathetic at the same time, but hey that's me, lol.

I have also realized that I've been happier lately, even though I'm still in school, and with all the confusion I just told you about. I blame my boyfriend : - ) . I love him. Apparently I've been walking around work with a big smile on my face. I know that while I'm in the subway I tend to lose track of time thinking about him. Ya know what, it's a great way to lose track of time : - P . And am I going to tell you what I think about, umm, NOOO. Lol. I stand there with a completely vacant expression, because I'm not really there, I'm elsewhere.... I tend to do that anyway, daydream. I'm good at it, lol.

Anyway, ya dolgen parkamit koshek. For those of you who don't know, that means I'm going to go Feed the cat. Ttyl ya'll!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Mira. She was not the most average little girl in the world, a little bit too weird to be average. One night she had a dream. In this dream she was walking along the beach with her boyfriend Ralph, and a dolphin named Phil. Don't ask me how the dolphin was walking. It just was. They were having a very important discussion about how best to eat fish. Mira said she thought the best way was for it to be grilled over an open fire, and served with a nice rice pilaf cooked in a subtle yet flavorful red wine. Ralph said that he thought the fish should be filleted and broiled in the oven and served with a colorful blend of stir fry vegetables. Both Mira and Ralph agreed that their fish should be eaten with a glass of white wine. What did Phil think? Phil said that the fish should definitely be fresh, so fresh that he said it should be caught alive and swallowed whole. He said it should be eaten with a side of kelp, and maybe some plankton. The drink of his choice you ask? Some nice salt water. Both Mira and Ralph were aghast! They thought there friend Phil was so civilized, and here was talking about eating live fish, swallowing them whole! Later that evening they dropped Phil back off at his tank. As Mira and Ralph were walking home, they realized the moral of their evening was this: You can take the dolphin out of the ocean, but you cannot take the ocean out of the dolphin.

Having realized this Mira woke up. She called Ralph and told him about her dream. He said, "hmm, Mira that's fishy." She said, "Oh Ralph, you're so corny, I love you." Then they laughed and laughed until both of them were hungry. They went out that night with their friend Phil (not a dolphin) for dinner. He suggested Sushi and both Mira and Ralph started laughing, Phil was highly insulted. He said, "What, you people don't like raw fish?"

Monday, March 06, 2006

Wow, I really haven't written an entry in a while. I'm not even sure exactly what I should write. Maybe I should write, that I have a boyfriend now. He's really sweet, and funny, smart, and kind. Not say'n nott'n else, lol.

More news, my best friend is officially going into the military at the end of the year, Israeli army that is. She's going to be gone at least for the better part of three years, who knows if she's really going to come back. Oh well.

I guess there really isn't much happening with me. I went to work yesterday, was one teacher out of three in a pool party. I had to buy a new bathing suit, just for the party. It cost $50, and I earned, including tip, $32. So, basically I lost money by going to work, how nutty is that? It wasn't a bad party anyway. The girl must have been in a really good mood, cuz she's never that nice, well nice for her, anyway. She only jumped on me twice, lol. It was really weird though, almost none of the kids wanted cake, it was so weird. It was a good cake, I mean chocolate all over the place, what can be bad, ya know? I was utterly shocked and dismayed.

Today not much happened, went to school, went to work. Bought some candy from my friend for a fund raiser. As I said, not much happened. I'll update maybe when I have something to say, lol.