Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hi everyone! What's new? I stayed home from school today because I am not feeling too well. I had a very boring day, and I have absolutely nothing to tell ya'll. However, I'm bored and wanted something to do, so I decided to bore people online. Let's see, my cat is sitting here next to me, sleeping, in typical cat fashion with his head on his paws. Until I got this cat, I never knew they snored, lol. I mean it makes sense that they do, but I never thought about it.

I hope I feel much better tomorrow, I have to go to work. I have to be there at 8:30, which means I have to get up at 7:00AM. I'm not a morning person, this is going to be fun. Working in the body shop is a little boring in and of itself. I just have to sit there and watch people workout. That early in the morning it's going to be all people over 60. Ever watch people over 60 workout? They tend to jiggle a lot. And where I work, they have a tendency to walk around naked in the locker room. A couple of years ago, I was ushering some children out of the locker room. I had just gotten them out, when I saw my history teacher, naked, in the locker room. Not only did she see me, but she decided to start having a conversation with me. I was mortified, I mean, why would she do a thing like that? It's common courtesy in America, that if you see someone you know while naked, you either ignore them, or nod a polite hello, and walk away. Am I wrong? Maybe I'm just confused. Maybe she doesn't know the customs of this country, her being from Russia. Although it seems to be policy at the Y, to wander naked. Never did figure that out. Oh well. Bye!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Well, I'm in school. I'm in the middle of my 5 and a half hour break. It's really a lot of fun, really, I swear. It's especially great today because I forgot to bring a textbook that I need. I was planning to read a chapter or two before class later, guess I'll have to do it tomorrow. Oy. So far I've killed two and a half hours, I only have to kill another three hours. I have to read a paper for my sociology class. I already know the information though, so it's kind of pointless. I'm sitting here in school, in the cafeteria, and there is this noise coming at me from all directions. First of all, there's all the people, that okay. However, there is also music. I'm not sure where it's coming from. I mean it's coming from behind me, but that's not what
I mean. Maybe it's a school radio station, I don't know. Whatever else it is, it's really aggravating. I'm sitting here typing at my computer, and listening to music, with earphones, and I still hear it. I mean they're not playing horrible music or anything, it's just that it's really loud and distorted, so it makes life difficult, more so, lol. I wish somebody I knew was online, then I could talk to people without wasting cell phone minutes. I'm not a real minute counter, but at the same time I'm already charged an arm and a leg for the minutes I have, go over them and I have to declare bankruptcy, lol. I guess I'll finish rambling now and go read about Marx. Oh what fun that will be! : )

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Well, I did it, sort of. I broke a social norm, I think. I walked around today wearing cat ears. The problem was, except for a couple of people at the car wash, nobody really noticed. I mean I got a couple of responses. Somebody even wanted to paint whiskers on me! Lol. My aunt thought I was wearing mouse ears. People said, "Oh, Mira that's so cute." The problem is nobody thought it was that weird. Even my grandfather, who wanted to lock me up when he saw me carrying around a bottle of water, just said, "cute." In response to my commenter, Aris (Say hi to everybody for me!), I didn't think I would get enough responses by just saying hello to people in the street. It is certainly a strange thing to do in New York, but I just thought I would just get strange looks. Maybe, since I don't think I got very good responses from the cat ears, I'll do your idea tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I'm going to walk around with a stuffed dog on a leash. Whadda ya think? As long as I have my paper written by 4:00pm on Tuesday I'll be fine. Got any stranger ideas? I was also thinking of buying a cigar and walking around with it. It's still out of the ordinary for girls to smoke cigars right? Lol.

On a more serious note, since it is September eleventh, I just wanted to say how horrible what happened four years ago was. I certainly hope that the people who lost loved ones on that fateful day have found ways to get past their sorrows and have managed to get on with their lives, as much as possible. I also just wanted to mention that terrorists are disgusting, and should definitely not get any virgins when they die.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Well, school has begun. It's really not that bad. I'm taking: Astronomy, Sociology, Law and Morality, and The Psychology of Human Sexuality. I like to call that one psycho sex. Hehe. I'm not sure I understand what is going on in Astronomy. I'm not really a science person, but I need the credit to graduate, eventually. Socioligy is fun, but we have this assignment I'm not sure what to do with. I have to break a social norm, and write a paper on people's reactions. I don't know what norm to break. Oh, we have to do something that doesn't break the law. I was going to write, "...break the law, obviously, lol" However, people don't always realize the obvious. I might decide to wear my underwear outside my clothes, that might make for some interesting reactions, don't ya think? I might decide to be a "close talker" as it is referred to in Seinfeld. I really don't have any other ideas. So if you're reading this, and you have any suggestions, let me know. I could walk around pointing att people, and giggling. It would break a norm, wouldn't it? Afterall, it is considered rude to point. It's just something that one is not supposed to do, right? Well please let me know. Lol.