Saturday, December 30, 2006

So, I'm back in New York. I had quite a trip. I'm not going to write about it now though. I'm just saying hello.



Happy New Year is coming up!!! Get ready with your resolutions people, that's an order!


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Not going in to my weekend right now. I'm just letting you all know that I'm leaving for California in a few hours. I'll be back sometime on the 28th. For those of you reading this, wish me luck, lol. Tty'all laters ppls...

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah... Happy Holidays!!

Happy New Year if I don't speak wit ya!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

So I don't really have anything to say. I have to go to work soon. I don't feel very well. I don't know what's wrong with me exactly I just don't feel well. I called my friend in Israel and she was with her roommate, so she couldn't talk. It sounded they were in a restaurant of some sort. I guess I'll talk to her tomorrow or something. I have to leave for work in twenty minutes, so I should probably get dressed. Ucch, I just want to go back to sleep. Have a day people!

COMMENTS!! I mean if you're reading anyway what would it hurt?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

So, my weekend was not especially eventful. I went to my boyfriend's house for dinner. His dad's birthday is... well... actually it's today, but we were all celebrating it on Friday. His mom made something middle eastern involving pumpkin. Since, I don't eat pumpkin she made me pasta. It's the first time I think I've seen the whole family together since the summer. Anyway, we had a good time.

After everybody left my boyfriend and I were supposed to go play pool or something, but he was too tired, and I'm not sure why, but I was totally out of it. So we just sat around watching TV. Saturday we planned to go ice skating, and then later after dinner to Strike. However, we managed only to go to Subway, wander around for a while, and then go to dinner in my favorite Chinese/Japanese place called Tofu. We went back to Rich's house afterwards and watched a movie, "Old School." Personally, I didn't think it was all that funny. I know many people would disagree. Whatever.

I ended up staying at his house Saturday night also. He was too tired to drive me home. So Sunday, he did lesson plans, and I read while he worked. I bothered him once in a while. All in all it was a good weekend, a sleepy weekend.

Yesterday, I went to work. It's the last week of the session, so I have to keep saying good bye to all my classes. It's slightly depressing, but I'll probably see them all again in January. So whatever. Today, I was supposed to cover for someone, but I ended up being sick, so I didn't go. Everybody seems to be coming down with something.

Meanwhile, I found out that my fam and I are going to California on the 24th, instead of the 25th, and we're leaving like at 5:30 am. It's all very aggravating. I have to go shopping. Macy's is having one of their blow out sales, so I want to go to that. Only if my mom gives me the macy's card though. What's the point in spending more if I don't have to? Anyway, I don't even want to go at this point. I don't feel especially well and I would rather spend the time with my boyfriend. If I don't go away, then my father will go away with his girlfriend. It would actually be the first time I'd be all by myself, parent wise. I really don't want to go.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Ok, first off I must start out by saying I have so many damn Christmas songs stuck in my head!!! AHHH!!! Does anybody remember those Hess Truck commercials that always came around during this time of year? The hess truck's here and we're better than ever... Hess Truck this year, the Hess Truck's here... Or something like that. That was the only Christmas commercial I ever looked forward to each year, and now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't heard it in quite a while... I gotta ask people if they remember this thing, hmm...

So, it's almost 3:00am. Since I've been especially insomniatic this week for some reason, I've been watching a lot of the Food Network. Now, I always turn it on once in a while, but somehow as a background thing. I don't watch it to learn how to cook. Oddly enough I do cook, and I like to cook, but I almost never look a recipe, and when I do, I use it more as a guide than anything else. I'm not sure what my point is. Right now I'm watching Iron Chef America, and the secret ingredient is ostrich. Now, that is a hard bird to deal with. I mean first they had to catch the thing, figure out a good way to kill it, remove the feathers and so on. I mean wow, what a show! I'm kidding really, all they had to do was cook the thing. Also, I find it interesting that I think this is my first time watching where I think the challenger is going to win. Hmm...

So, let me tell you about the excitement of last night. Around 4:30am, I was just starting to fall asleep when I heard loud blasting music (techno I believe). I went upstairs to look out of the window, and what did I find? I found a drunk man peeing on my lawn. Granted I've only lived here a few years, but I have never seen anything like this over here. Well... Something similar once a couple of years ago, I'll tell you about it later... Anyway, this man looked very confused. He was either jerking himself off, or shaking the piss off his dic, hard to tell with the lighting as it was. It looked as if he forgot which house he was supposed to be going to. For a few minutes I thought he was going to try to wander up my front walk, or try to go in the backyard. However, he eventually wandered off up or down the block, I'm not sure. At least he got out of his car and was not driving, he could have killed someone.

This morning, on my way to work, a policeman stopped me and asked if I knew any languages. I just figured I wouldn't say something like, "No hablo ingles." or, "ani lo midaberet angleet." I also didn't say, "Besdies English?" I just said that the only language I know is English and walked on. I mean, I don't know anything else with enough fluency to be of use to anybody as translator, unless you count pig latin... You don't count pig latin, do you?

So, tomorrow I am going to work, not sure exactly what I'm teaching my class yet. We played duck duck goose at the end of class last time, I'm wondering if they would understand the concept of Indian Chief... Hmm... (Please tell me you know what that is, I don't want to feel old again). I'll probably set up an obstacle course at some point. I did that today with my nursery class, they liked it. I could also play musical skooters if the mood strikes. Hey! I think I just planned my lesson, lol.

Stream of consciousness is great isn't it? I mean you never know what's going to come out. My back is killing me. I'm Meeting my boyfriend by his work area tomorrow. My mother seems to think I am insane. Well good for her. Maybe she doesn't realize that there's no reason he has to drive all the way over here since he's going to be exhausted at that point. It's not the easiest trip in the world for me, but it isn't impossible. I mean I used to go to school in that area five times a week. If she minded it so much then she could have gotten me a car, but she didn't. So, I don't know what her problem is. He lives near there, so he doesn't have to leave his area tomorrow. He always picks me up because I don't have a car. He never complains or anything, he's very sweet about it. However, it's just nice for me to be able to meet him this one time. I am going to make his life easier by doing this, so why shouldn't I do it? I don't know, my mother is weird like that.

Anyway, it's 3:17am, I'm going to attempt to go to sleep. I have to wake up at 9:30 so I'm going to try to get at least six hours of sleep. Adios muchachos!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hi people. Sorry I haven't written in a while, I guess I've just been lazy.

So, last Friday my boyfriend came over. I made a meatloaf. It was pretty damn good if I say so myself. Anyway, after dinner we didn't do much. Just talked and watched TV. Saturday, we had a late start to the day. We left the house around 2:00pm maybe. We had lunch (maybe it was brunch?) in a little place that always reminds me on Central Perk (the coffee house from Friends). He had some sort of chicken wrap and I had an egg sandwich and a lot of good fries. Anyway, after lunch (or brunch) we wandered around my area. We got my boyfriend's glasses fixed (he somehow managed to punch them in his sleep, so they were crooked). While we were at the glasses store I tried on a few new frames. I think I found a pair of frames I like. I haven't been able to find them online, so if I end up getting them, I'll take a picture and stick it in here somewhere.

Anyway, after that, we went to Starbucks and wandered with our hot drinks. We bought movie tickets for The Holiday to see later on, and we went to Duane Reade and I got some moisturizer and dark chocolate m&m's. You read correctly DARK CHOCOLATE M&M'S!!!! At that point we went back to my house and I spent some time editing my boyfriends 95 page paper on the fall of the Roman Republic. Of course the m&m's came with me, lol. It was a very well thought out paper of Rich's part (G-d help his professor). After the editing we realized we didn't have enough time to go to dinner before the movie. So, we ate left over meatloaf with a nice fresh salad. We left and spent the next half hour or so looking for parking somewhere near the movie theater. We missed the first 15 minutes of the movie. However, I really liked the movie. It was good. After the movie we went back to my house, talked a bit and fell asleep.

I do not even want to go into Sunday, or Monday. Let me just say it involved a Chanukah Festival and a booth called "Toss the Latke." Don't ask. Just imagine, lol.

So, that was my weekend. How was yours people?
By the way.... comment me huh?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hey people. Today is Tuesday December 5th at 12:46pm. So, I'll tell you about my weekend I guess. On Friday I went to my boyfriend's house. His brother came over for dinner. His mom made a very good lasagna. After dinner we all watched a very stupid movie on lifetime. I believe it was called Noel. Susan Sarandon was in it, among other people of course, including Robin Williams. With all the good actors in the movie, it really sucked. It was so gloppy, so sweet, and so magically christmasy. Bleh. As a movie, it also jus sucked, it was highly predictable and low key. I mean there was no action what so ever, ehh.

Later that night my boyfriend's brother went home and his parents went to sleep and my boyfriend and I were left watching TV in the basement. We didn't watch anything special, just TV. My boyfriend fell asleep and later we just talked for a bit. On our way upstairs we noticed flashing lights in front of the house. We looked out the window and saw a car, on its side on the front lawn. The flashing lights belonged to the police and the toe truck who were trying to get the car off the front lawn. My boyfriend went upstairs to tell his parents about it. They called the police and were informed that the person driving was a 16/17 year old high school student. She supposedly fell asleep driving and went threw the neighbors bushes and then found herself crashing into a tree on my boyfriend's property, continued weaving around and managed to crash through his bushes. Her car flipped over at some point. If she had gone about ten feet farther she would have been in his dining room.

Amazingly enough the girl was absolutely fine and so was her passenger. The next morning my boyfriend went out to clear the driveway and while he was there, the girl's father came by with his gardener. They basically assessed the damage. My boyfriend scratched up his face with some pieces of tree and finally came back inside. Later on his mother told me that the bushes the girl destroyed had been planted there in 1929. So she was very upset. The whole thing was just upsetting to everyone.

Saturday, after my boyfriend cleaned off the driveway, we sat around watching TV for a while. Later his parents got back from work, then his brother and his wife came over. They are going to Africa I believe, so they needed to get Hep C vaccinations. Rich and I wanted to go ice skating, but my ankle sort of hurt, and after his brother left, the rink was closed. So we took a little trip into Roslyn, ate lunch, and did a little shopping. We couldn't think what else to do, so we ended up going to another area and did more shopping. We went to Best Buy and I got Minority Report, and Rich got Syriana. Then we went to The Source Mall. We didn't buy anything we just walked around. I went hysterical for a while (laughing). I couldn't stop for like an hour. Every time Rich looked at me I would just burst out into hysterical laughter. We had to leave stores after a while, I mean they were looking at me like I was insane. I was doubled over and hanging onto Rich so I wouldn't fall down.

After the mall, we went back towards his area and ate dinner in a cute little Thai restaurant. After that, we went back to his house and watched Syriana. Then he took me home.

The next day I went to work. A cute little girl's birthday party. It went alright. Didn't do anything much the rest of the day. Actually, I fell asleep. I was exhausted.

Monday, I went to work, ate dinner with my father, and went to sleep.

So, that was my weekend and Monday. Yours?