Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just a few words before I got to sleep. I moved back home yesterday. Finally. My house is still undergoing various renovations, but my room is back up and running, or it will be when I finish placing everything. I'm sitting here typing at my desk, which is something I have never done before, lol. I usually reserve all my work/ writing, to my bed, or the couch, lol. I'm about to go to sleep. I have to wake up early, go to school, then go to work. Maybe tomorrow I'll write about my day today, work wise.

I forget my point... Ahh yes, I've moved back home. Everything is not as it should be. Since there are still renovations going on, there is still dust in the house and I am still allergic to it. So, I'm walking around sneezing/coughing/wheezing, but hey, at least I'm home sleeping in my own bed. Oh, bed, what a dream...

Sleep I shall not forsake thee. I bid thee farethee well my faithful bloggers, to sleep I go.

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