Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm sitting here eating a double chocolate chip cookie, wondering about the comments I received from my last entry. Why exactly would my boyfriend mind if I wanted to be an English major. He is very supportive in whatever I want to do. I mean he might have a problem if I wanted to sell my body for money, or food, but I somehow sense that is not going to be a problem. I try to support him, he tries to support me, it's what we do. We strive for harmony even if we don't succeed. Yeah, we aren't fighting this week, lol. In fact, today is our nine month anniversary. This is the longest, best relationship I have ever had. So, don't cheapen it by saying things like I need to give up my life and follow my boyfriend around, because, I gotta say, that's what it sounded like my commenter was saying.

Anyway, my week has been shorter than usual. I worked on Sunday, and Monday felt like Sunday. It was Yom Kippur on Monday, so I didn't really move much. I sat around fasting. I was also kind of sick, still am, I couldn't stay awake. Very aggravating to just feel drained for no reason. My boyfriend with his talk of impending illness is who I blame for this. Lol, I'm just kidding, really. Mwahh baby. Happy Anniversary!

Tomorrow, if I can stay awake I plan to get myself dressed upish and go look for a job. If I can't stay awake, I plan to sleep a lot, lol. I would really like to find a job that might lead to a career, or something sort of related to English. However, I don't think that is going to happen. So, my goal is to find something I don't hate, for the purpose of making money. There is actually a bank on my block looking for a part time teller, so I may apply for that. I also have aspirations of actually going to the gym that I am affiliated with. Hmm... We'll see.

Right now I am going to succumb to my illness and lie down. So, yes, again I am begging for comments, but be nice people.

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