Thursday, November 02, 2006

So, today I worked all day. I basically just got home. There's really nothing new to report. I'm tired. I taught a nursery class, two gymnastics classes, and I worked at the desk. My boyfriend was kind enough to pick me up on his way home from school. Next week I am fending for myself, taking the bus home. Oh well... Lol.

The gymnastics classes bother me on Thursday. They don't really know anything. The younger ones are just a pain in the ass, and the older ones are annoying. I'm not a big fan of girls between the ages of 7-10. I think in general they are just boring. At least when they hit puberty they start being a little more interesting. Boys are a little more interesting than girls, but not much so. I have the group of girls. My co-worker decided that since the class is big they should be broken up into two smaller groups. Makes sense. The way he split them up I'm not thrilled with. He broke them up into a girls group and a boys group. I get the girls of course. It just makes Thursday's a little less interesting. Oh well.

I'm going to go eat something now. I'll write something more tomorrow, if not then, Sunday.

Bye Bye!!!

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