Friday, July 08, 2011

I know that my job in life is not to save everybody.  I am the type of person who is very loyal to my friends and when something happens to one of them... I feel it.  I'm not the most sympathetic person in the world, but I am incredibly empathetic.  I don't show it outwardly all the time, not to everyone, if fact, I think I generally come across as stoic, I've been told heartless.  It's an appearance, a front.  I don't like people to know I'm feeling emotions.  I don't know why.  Maybe it's because my family was never overly demonstrative.  I think it's better that way actually, but that's another story.

My point is that what my friends are feeling, I feel too.  I also intuit emotions, so that even if they aren't outwardly showing something is bothering them, I'm likely to know there is something whether I say anything about it or not.  Right now, my stomach is in knots of worry.

There are some people that can take care of themselves, they might go through a rough patch every now and then, but they'll manage to get through it.  Then there are the people who need help getting through life, but are able to accept help from friends and/or family.  It's the third group I worry about most, people who desperately need help, but don't take it, don't want it, and won't accept it when offered.  I know there's nothing I can do about this third group, but still... there's always a chance...

I know my job in life is not to save everybody, but maybe...

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