Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is there such thing as decency anymore?  The common courtesy of telling the truth, no matter how painful, is becoming a thing of the past.  I'm not talking about white lies (i.e. "do I look fat in this?)  I'm talking about lies that effect another person.  From my perspective as a woman, I notice men lie a lot, as much as they think they can get away with.  I'm sure from a man's perspective it's women who do a lot of lying.  Therefore, it must mean that lies are part of human nature.  Is that a good thing?  No.  Is is inevitable, probably.

Technology and social media in specific, is something that is involved in in all our lives.  It makes getting away with lies much more difficult and makes getting caught that much easier.  My question is: Why bother?  If there is something that you don't want to do, instead of lying about it, just say, "no thank you."  In the long run, it's so much better for everyone concerned to just tell the truth.  We spend so much energy coming up with excuses for things we don't want to do...  Fuck it.

I'm not going to sit here and try to convince people that I've never uttered a lie.  That would be bullshit. However, I think that I've been lied to so much in the past year or so that I'm becoming a great lie detector.  I guess there are ups to this.  I will find it much easier to know when I myself should be lying and when I should be honest because I'll know what it being dished out to me.  I gotta say though, getting this experience, it doesn't feel great.

Applications being accepted for: honest, good, down to earth people.  Anybody qualify?

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