Saturday, December 31, 2005

Well, I'm home again. The rest of my trip was pretty uneventful. We went to Sacramento, as I mentioned. We spent one full day there, in which we practically didn't go out of the house. After all the traveling we had been doing it was very nice to just sit around and talk, not do much of anything. I got to meet the remainder of my step family. The kids are so sweet, and so cute. They are very smart also. I've always wanted to have some sort of extended family, and now I do, : )

Anyway, as I said the trip back wasn't much to talk about. We got on one plane after the other. I've got to say, O'Hare airport, is fn huge! There was so much crap there, stores upon stores. Food everywhere, except where we had to go. I think we basically walked throught the entire place. My mother said we ended up in the "armpit" of the place. Lol. I think that was a pretty good description. We were almost fogged in again, but we made it just before the fog completely covered everything. Which was really a great thing, because I don't think I could've taken much more crap from the weather and the airlines. I got my freind a couple of things, one is a shot glass that says "the governator" on it, with a picture of eveyones famous terminator/governor, Arnold.

I am just so glad to be home. I got to sleep in my own bed last night, in my own crappy room, it was great. didn't wake up until 2:00pm. I have an excuse though. After we got home, about 11:00pm, we went out again to find some food, since we really hadn't eaten anytihng. However, most things were closed. We tried going to two different Italian restaurants, but they both said that the cooks were no longer there. We ended up in a local diner, it was ok, at least they had food. So we didn't get home again until around 1:00am maybe.

It's just too bad that I am going to be displaced agian. My room is going under construction soon, and therefore I cant live in it for about a week, once they start. I'm going to have to go live at my Dad's house with my cat. Cat's already there actually, since my dad was taking care of him while we were in CA. My little Daniel does not take kindly to being moved around, he's very sensitive to it. So, now that he's fianlly almost comfortable there, I'm not uprooting him until I have to.

So that's life over here. Happpy New Year!!!

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