Friday, May 19, 2006

Well, so yesterday was my birthday. My best friend and my boyfriend called me at 8am, because according to my father I was born at 8am. According to my mother I was born at 9:00 or 9:30, but whatever, lol.

So, I didn't really do much during the day. I just got dressed, took a change of clothes, and went to work. Everybody at work wished me a happy birthday. One of the other gymnastics teachers said that I was a grandma, lol.

After work I took my little bag of clothes over to my friends house, my boyfriend came over. I changed my clothes. I couldn't wear my sweat pants out on our date on my birthday! Lol. So I wore a teal top, and white capris, with purple pumps. I put my hair up with a pretty clip. I was wearing chandelier white and brass colored earrings, but I took them off, because my boyfriend got me pretty earrings for my birthday. They are gold and pearl, very pretty, sophisticated.

So we hung around with my friend for a while, my boyfriend met her mother, lol. My friend took pictures of me and my boyfriend. I got a picture with my friend and one with her mother too. So after hanging around and chatting my boyfriend and I left. Apparently, my friend had told him that there was this restaurant that I always wanted to go to on my birthday. It's out on Long Island, it's called Bongusto (no idea how to spell it, lol). So we headed out there only to find out that they had closed early because there was nobody there. Well, it was a Thursday. Anyway, we ended up going to P.F. Changs. It was good. I ordered my first cup of wine as a legal wine orderer, lol. I ordered pinot grogiot. My boyfriend got a beer in honor of my birthday. So we ate dinner and then we went back to my house. We hung out for a while and then my boyfriend went home.

Friday I spent writing a paper, I didn't even go outside until after 8pm. Around 11pm my friend came over with her friend who's visiting her from Philly. She's nice. So we hung out for a while, ate some birthday cake, and I sent them home in a cab.

Tomorrow I'm seeing The DaVinci Code with my boyfriend. We'll see what I do during the day.

So how was your last couple of days? I hope you all had a good May 18th. Let me know....

I'm tired, it's 4:39 am right now, I'm going to go to sleep. Ttyl!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky ... The Da Vinci code hasn't even released here yet ... SOmething to do with gaining approval from the film board or something .. :(