Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You know the by who cried wolf?  Well today was the weatherman who cried storm.  Yes, it did snow.  It snowed a few inches.  It was annoying.  People had to shovel, people had to dig around their cars, plows were called out, salt was put down.  There was not over a foot of snow, schools were not closed.  We were expecting this to be a lot worse.  It was however quite cold.  I was cold.  I was wearing a tank top, a long sleeved shirt, a heavy sweatshirt, jeans, tights under my jeans, waterproof snow boots, lined leather gloves, and a ski jacket along with two hoods on my head.  Did I mention I was cold?  I think it had more to do with the wind than the actual temperature.

When there is a cold wind, any wind really, I tear.  I tear a lot.  I look like I'm hysterical.  My face gets so cold from the constant tears and there is nothing I can do about it.

Did I mention that I was in the city for the second day in the row?  I don't like the city, it's crowded, dirty, and you have to do a lot of walking.  I normally do a lot of walking, maybe it just feels like more when you're walking down straight block after block rather than turning and walking through slightly rural areas. I don't mind the walking, I don't.  My legs hurt!  I overstretched on Monday and walked around all day in the city yesterday and today.  I AM TIRED!!!

I met my friend D....... in Union Square today.  We were on the hunt for various makeup things.  We went in and out of many a Duane Reade and CVS.  I don't mind.  I found some stuff 75% off.  That's always fun.

I am just very tired and do not have the energy to write more today.  I need a project to keep myself occupied.  I am writing a story, maybe I should attempt to write about two pages a day, if not more, everyday and post it.  My story is about my cat.  It's a detective story in which the main character is a feline, and a private dick.  It is his job to solve the mystery of the stolen statue and the missing neighbor.  I need to start working on it again.....

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