Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear Bloggers,

I have no desire to write a long and involved blog entry right now, I just wanted to mention that I got a job!  I am very happy and excited about this opportunity.  A new chapter in my life has begun and I am ready for it.

On a completely different note, my registry cards came in the mail today.  I'm still not sure what to do with them really.  I can't put them in the invitations, that's just obnoxious, I don't know how else to get them out there to people.  They aren't really necessary, they don't have any other information on them other than, "Hey, Rich and I are registered at Bed Bath & Beyond!"  I just need to find a way to get that information out there.... How can I do that, I wonder.....


Anonymous said...

It really isn't obnoxious to put the registry cards in the wedding invitations. Your guests will want to give you something you like and can use. Letting them know where you are registered will make it easier for them to choose something for you. And anyone that prefers to choose something on their own is still free to do that.

~ Ms Manners

Mira said...

I agree with you, Ms. Manners, but other people have told me that I shouldn't do it that way. They told me a BB&B that they are usually given out at the bridal shower. Now, I wasn't planning on having a bridal shower, I don't quite see the point, and the people that I would invite are the ones who would already know about the registry. So... Still don't know what to do, but thanks for the advice. Maybe I'll stick the cards in SOME of the invites, to the people I know who won't find it obnoxious. *sigh*