Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Like I said yesterday, friendship is an interesting question.  We all need love and companionship to survive, everyone.  Anyone who says they don't is either lying or in serious denial.

What does being a friend mean?
  • someone who listens
  • someone who is there for you, whether you're having a bad day or not
  • someone who doesn't mind hearing about your day
  • someone who you can share your secrets with
  • someone who you can trust to keep your secrets
  • someone who will tell you when you are just plain wrong
  • someone who you can talk to about anything
A friend is basically a platonic version of your significant other, but maybe with more honesty, since we tell our friends things about our significant others.  We all need someone to complain to.  A friend is an important part of life, and sometimes, it's very hard to find a good one.  Try and keep them close.

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