Friday, January 13, 2012

I had a dream about you the other night.  It made me realize that I haven't seen you in over two years and that I haven't had a real conversation with you in longer.  I have dreamt about you in the past.  Usually, the dreams are cute, funny, and involve a sort of journey.  One of them was at a country house I've never been to or seen.  That dream was full of light and airiness.  We talked.  About what?  I don't remember.  In the more recent dream, it turned out that you had been hiding in plain sight.  I mean hiding, literally.  You were under a blanket on the couch.  My mother pointed you out to me.  You thought I hadn't known you were there, but I did.  You wanted me to leave you alone, so I did.  In this dream, I figured you would come to me when you were comfortable.  My mother blew up your spot though.  You couldn't believe that I had known you were there the whole time, watching, waiting.  I can't remember now if you were mad that I hadn't told you to stop hiding, or grateful that I wanted to let you come out on your own.  I don't remember much more about the dream, only that it was... nice.  It was nice talking to you again, even if the reality was that I was speaking to my own subconscious.

I do wonder where you are, and what you're doing, what's going on in your life.  You have always managed to evoke strong emotions from me, whether happiness, anger, or pure confusion.  One time I was house sitting for my father.  You called me up, which was different in and of itself because you usually didn't call me, and started yelling.  I can't remember what it was about, but I do know that I yelled back.  This happened two times.  Both times I found myself crying, which is something that, at that time, did not happen especially often.  The strange part was that I didn't mind.  You were my friend.  You drove me absolutely crazy, but I still looked forward to the next time I was going to see you or talk to you.

I understand that people grow apart, change.  There's nothing wrong with that.  It can't be helped.  Usually, it's gradual.  Drifting.  This wasn't subtle though.  Sudden.

Where are you?  Are you okay?

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