Friday, April 07, 2006

So today I was walking to school, I saw this dinosaur walking down the street. At least I thought it was a dinosaur, could've been just a really big lizard. Anyway, I was walking down the block, the lizard thing looked mildly confused. After walking a block with this creature, it turns to me and says, do you know where Horace College is? I say in a stunned but yet sultry voice, "sure I know where it is, I'm heading over there now." The lizard turns to me and says, "My name is Herbert, you can call me H-Bert, it's my nick name, or just H." I think I'm dreaming at this point, but I say, "Hi Herbert, nice to meet you, I'm Mira." Together we walk the next few blocks to Horace. H turns to me and says, thanks for walking me here Mira, now I wonder if you can tell me where English 254 is?" I say, "This is crazy, I'm in that class. They let you join this late?" H said, "Yeah, I'm a friend of the teachers, she let me join."

Yeah, I have no idea where that came from. It was a weird day in English class alright though. Dinosaurs, teachers being friends with them, how odd, unless of course you think it's a normal occurrence?

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