Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Basically, my father just advised me not to have children. There is a tumor that runs in my family. A "glomus mass" he called it. It attaches itself to the endocrine system. Basically, there is no possibility that I don't have it. Genetically speaking it is also worst to have it in my position, passed on from father to daughter. Now all I have to wait and see, is how this thing manifests itself. Apparently it was first found in Holland. Where did my Russian/ Polish family get it? Who the hell knows?

I could just try to have male children, but they would still be carriers, somewhere down the line I'm sure one of my children or grandchildren would have a girl, then they would be symptomatic. This was really a great way to end the evening, this is what I need to think about now.

At least it gave me a blog entry, I wasn't sure what I was going to write about, besides the air conditioning mess in my house. Grr... I'm closed in by boxes again. For once I'm glad I have to be in school at 8:00am, I won't be here when they move all the boxes back into the laundry room. They better do it in a timely fashion. They were supposed to come deal with all this around 8:00am this morning. So I woke up, got dressed, and went back to sleep until they came. When I woke up again around 11:00am, they still hadn't come. I left they house at 2:00pm. They did in fact come about 8:00, but it was PM, not AM. I hope when all this construction is over I'm still alive.


So, how was your night?

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