Monday, November 27, 2006

So, it's Monday at 4:30pm. Where am I? I'm home? Why? Because I have my period, and the complications that go along with it. Let me just say, that I feel like I have a stomach virus. I'm supposed to go to my boyfriend's house for dinner tonight. I hope I can keep it down. I haven't eaten anything today, unless you count water. I can barely move, this is fun. I would have gone to work today if I had to work at the desk. However, I was supposed to teach gymnastics. I really couldn't see myself moving that much.

I finally figured out how to get my picture in my blogger profile, woo hoo!! I had to take my picture and chop a lot of it out, and it was a small picture to begin with, lol.

I really, don't have anything else to say. I mean I seriously didn't do anything today. I didn't even eat anything. One, because we have no food. Two, because I'm too nauseous to eat anything.

Seriously, nothing else to say. I'm going to go write more of my Pig's story.

Bye Bye!!

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