Friday, December 15, 2006

Ok, first off I must start out by saying I have so many damn Christmas songs stuck in my head!!! AHHH!!! Does anybody remember those Hess Truck commercials that always came around during this time of year? The hess truck's here and we're better than ever... Hess Truck this year, the Hess Truck's here... Or something like that. That was the only Christmas commercial I ever looked forward to each year, and now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't heard it in quite a while... I gotta ask people if they remember this thing, hmm...

So, it's almost 3:00am. Since I've been especially insomniatic this week for some reason, I've been watching a lot of the Food Network. Now, I always turn it on once in a while, but somehow as a background thing. I don't watch it to learn how to cook. Oddly enough I do cook, and I like to cook, but I almost never look a recipe, and when I do, I use it more as a guide than anything else. I'm not sure what my point is. Right now I'm watching Iron Chef America, and the secret ingredient is ostrich. Now, that is a hard bird to deal with. I mean first they had to catch the thing, figure out a good way to kill it, remove the feathers and so on. I mean wow, what a show! I'm kidding really, all they had to do was cook the thing. Also, I find it interesting that I think this is my first time watching where I think the challenger is going to win. Hmm...

So, let me tell you about the excitement of last night. Around 4:30am, I was just starting to fall asleep when I heard loud blasting music (techno I believe). I went upstairs to look out of the window, and what did I find? I found a drunk man peeing on my lawn. Granted I've only lived here a few years, but I have never seen anything like this over here. Well... Something similar once a couple of years ago, I'll tell you about it later... Anyway, this man looked very confused. He was either jerking himself off, or shaking the piss off his dic, hard to tell with the lighting as it was. It looked as if he forgot which house he was supposed to be going to. For a few minutes I thought he was going to try to wander up my front walk, or try to go in the backyard. However, he eventually wandered off up or down the block, I'm not sure. At least he got out of his car and was not driving, he could have killed someone.

This morning, on my way to work, a policeman stopped me and asked if I knew any languages. I just figured I wouldn't say something like, "No hablo ingles." or, "ani lo midaberet angleet." I also didn't say, "Besdies English?" I just said that the only language I know is English and walked on. I mean, I don't know anything else with enough fluency to be of use to anybody as translator, unless you count pig latin... You don't count pig latin, do you?

So, tomorrow I am going to work, not sure exactly what I'm teaching my class yet. We played duck duck goose at the end of class last time, I'm wondering if they would understand the concept of Indian Chief... Hmm... (Please tell me you know what that is, I don't want to feel old again). I'll probably set up an obstacle course at some point. I did that today with my nursery class, they liked it. I could also play musical skooters if the mood strikes. Hey! I think I just planned my lesson, lol.

Stream of consciousness is great isn't it? I mean you never know what's going to come out. My back is killing me. I'm Meeting my boyfriend by his work area tomorrow. My mother seems to think I am insane. Well good for her. Maybe she doesn't realize that there's no reason he has to drive all the way over here since he's going to be exhausted at that point. It's not the easiest trip in the world for me, but it isn't impossible. I mean I used to go to school in that area five times a week. If she minded it so much then she could have gotten me a car, but she didn't. So, I don't know what her problem is. He lives near there, so he doesn't have to leave his area tomorrow. He always picks me up because I don't have a car. He never complains or anything, he's very sweet about it. However, it's just nice for me to be able to meet him this one time. I am going to make his life easier by doing this, so why shouldn't I do it? I don't know, my mother is weird like that.

Anyway, it's 3:17am, I'm going to attempt to go to sleep. I have to wake up at 9:30 so I'm going to try to get at least six hours of sleep. Adios muchachos!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the part where we have to say "Adios Mira ! " ? ;)