Monday, January 24, 2011

The Pros and Cons of Waking Up Early:


1. Get more done
2. Feel productive
3. You don't get that "I've slept too long" slump
4. You get to see the sun (which doesn't apply to me since I work in a basement)
5. You (apparently) can write in your blog
6. You can actually eat 3 meals in the day at normal hours (yeah, which again doesn't apply to me)


1. You are tired- all day
2. In my case, my stomach hurts until 1pm or so
3. You don't get to dream as much.  This is a really big deal for me.  I love dreaming.  The longer I sleep the more likely I am to remember my dreams.  Also, they get more interesting the longer I sleep.  I've had dreams about a Pepsi factory out in the woods.  Interestingly enough, I don't even like Pepsi, I prefer Coco-Cola.
4. You get the bitch fest thing.  I'm not a morning person, stay out of my way.
5. You have to eat more meals a day.
6. Have I mentioned that you're tired all day?

Maybe it's just me.  I don't like waking up early, but I feel more productive when I do.  Also, if I sleep too late I am exhausted all day, until maybe 10pm, which is when my mind starts waking up.  I feel sluggish and slow.  It's not fun.  I love sleeping though!  They say people who sleep all day are depressed.  I am not depressed.  I just enjoy curling up in my bed, pulling my covers up over me, and lying sleeping.  It is definitely the most relaxing thing to do.

I don't have a problem waking up early if I have something to do.  Today, I woke up and went to work, where I am now.  My stomach still hurts, but it will pass.  If I try waking up early when I know I have nowhere to go, it won't work.  I guess it's psychological.  My biological clock is backwards or something like that.  I can't fall asleep until, at the earliest, 2am, and I naturally don't wake up until 12pm, or later.  What I really need is a reason to wake up early on a regular basis.  I need a full time job.

It's been suggested to me that I go into high end retail.  My question is, who would hire me without previous retail experience.  Sure I work at the desk.  I sell bathing caps, goggles and master locks and the occasional nose plug.  I don't sell clothes.  What I do sell, are classes.  I have to convince people that they can't live without signing their kids up for gymnastics or swimming.  They need to believe that they really need to take Pilates.  These things may or may not be true.  I do believe that physical fitness is very important for people of all ages, but what I believe is immaterial.  If I can convince someone to register for a class that they were perhaps of the fence about I feel as if I have accomplished something.

I was actually thinking about getting a NYS real estate license.  It might not be good to solely rely on real estate as income in this economy, but in my case, where I'm only working part time anyway, it couldn't hurt.  Once I have my license, I have it.  I always have it.  I could always use it, or not.  Getting the license doesn't cost so much that it's not doable, so I think I should do it.

What do you think?

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